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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />1 Agreement are as follows: <br />2 2.1.1 Each Case Manager shall monitor a maximum of forty (40) <br />3 Work Experience (WEX) participants. <br />4 2.2 CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR may agree in writing to modify <br />5 workload goals as set forth in this paragraph. <br />6 3. SERVICES <br />7 3.1 CONTRACTOR shall provide WTW participants with WEX activities <br />8 necessary to remove barriers to subsequent employment. These activities will <br />9 be provided to participants referred by COUNTY to the SANTA ANA Workforce <br />10 Investment Board (WIB), a division of CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall cooperate <br />11 with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) on the implementation <br />12 of WEX activities to the mutual satisfaction of COUNTY and CDSS, and with any <br />13 and all future requirements established by CDSS relating to calculation of <br />14 required WTW participation hours for each participant. Removal of barriers to <br />15 employment shall be accomplished by a variety of methods. <br />16 3.1.1 CONTRACTOR shall make every attempt to engage participants <br />17 and involve them in the development of a WEX activity that meets their 32/35- <br />18 hour WTW participation requirement. COUNTY WTW staff will retain sole <br />19 responsi bil i ty for fi na 1 development and approva 1 of the parti ci pant's WTW <br />20 Plan. <br />21 3.2 COUNTY shall retain any and all rights to require pre-approval by <br />22 ADMINISTRATOR and/or limit any and all services provided by CONTRACTOR. <br />23 Services shall be provided in accordance with ADMINISTRATOR's policies and <br />24 procedures and other instructions provided by ADMINISTRATOR. <br />25 3.3 ADMINISTRATOR may, in its sole discretion, change the services <br />26 requi red under Subparagraph 3.1 to ensure full comp 1 i ance wi th all <br />27 requirements if the State of California Department of Social Services (CDSS) <br />28 requires subsequent changes to the County of Orange CalWORKs Plan, changes to <br /> <br />(WBC0406) <br /> <br />2 of 11 <br /> <br />(April 19. 2006) <br />