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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />1 WTW requirements under the Welfare and Institutions Code, CDSS regulations or <br />2 Manual of Policies and Procedures. <br />3 4. ADDITIONAL CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES <br />4 4.1 Welfare Fraud: <br />5 4.1.1 If welfare eligibility of support services payment fraud <br />6 is suspected of the participant, CONTRACTOR shall report the suspected fraud <br />7 to COUNTY or COUNTY's contracted CalWORKs WTW Case Manager. <br />8 4,1. 2 If servi ce provi der fraud is suspected, CONTRACTOR sha 11 <br />9 report, in writing, the suspected fraud to ADMINISTRATOR. <br />10 4.2 Complaint Response: <br />11 4.2,1 Contractor shall develop. operate. and maintain procedures <br />12 for recei vi ng, i nvesti gat i ng. and respondi ng to servi ce provi der and <br />13 parti ci pant comp 1 a i nts. i nc 1 udi ng Ci vi 1 Ri ghts comp 1 ai nts. CONTRACTOR sha 11 <br />14 provide ADMINISTRATOR. in a format approved by ADMINISTRATOR. information <br />15 pertaining to such complaints within two (2) business days of the complaint. <br />16 4.3 Outside Contacts: <br />17 4.3.1 CONTRACTOR sha 11 immedi ate ly inform COUNTY' s WTW Program <br />18 Manager. or a designee. of any inquiries from elected officials. their <br />19 representatives. participant advocates, or the press, and immediately provide <br />20 information permitting ADMINISTRATOR to respond. <br />21 4.3.2 CONTRACTOR shall consult wi th COUNTY's WTW Program <br />22 Manager. or a designee. prior to initiating contact with elected officials. <br />23 their representatives, participants advocates of the press, <br />24 4.4 Utilizing Computer Information Systems (CIS): <br />25 4.4.1 CONTRACTOR shall use COUNTY provided CIS to receive <br />26 referra 1 s and to record data regardi ng servi ces provi ded. COUNTY sha 11 <br />27 provide a designated number of CONTRACTOR's personnel with sufficient training <br />28 necessary to operate the equipment. track cases, generate requi red reports. <br /> <br />(WBC0406) <br /> <br />3 of 11 <br /> <br />(April 19. 2006) <br />