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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />1 9.1.5 WTW participant complaints andlor WTW participant <br />2 questionnaires; and <br />3 9.1.6 Subcontractor complaints or reports. <br />4 9.2 ADMINISTRATOR may requi re CONTRACTOR to provide office space for <br />5 designated ADMINISTRATOR staff assigned to conduct performance reviews. <br />6 9.3 In the event that CONTRACTOR performs servi ces unsati sfactori ly , <br />7 ADMINISTRATOR may require a corrective plan. CONTRACTOR shall comply with any <br />8 such corrective action plan within the time specified by ADMINISTRATOR <br />9 10. STAFF TRAINING <br />10 10.1 COUNTY shall provide CONTRACTOR with written program requirements, <br />11 including policies and general procedures, as requirements are revised or new <br />12 policies are developed. <br />13 10.2 COUNTY staff will provide initial training to a designated number <br />14 of CONTRACTOR's staff with respect to CalWORKs regulations, ADMINISTRATOR's <br />15 po 1 i ci es and procedures, and use of the CIS. Subsequent trai ni ng must be <br />16 conducted by CONTRACTOR. <br />17 10.3 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that its staff receives training to <br />18 understand cultural differences among groups of participants, and to <br />19 effectively recognize and intervene to overcome any language andlor cultural <br />20 barriers to employment that may be evident. <br />21 10.4 CONTRACTOR shall designate a staff person to maintain a log of in- <br />22 house training activities and participants. <br />23 11. HOURS OF OPERATION <br />24 11.1 At a minimum, CONTRACTOR shall maintain business hours of Monday <br />25 through Fri day from the hours of 8: 00 a. m. to 5: 00 p. m. (COUNTY ho 1 i days <br />26 exc 1 uded) as well as schedul ed eveni ng and weekend hours to best meet the <br />27 needs of participants and their families. <br />28 III <br /> <br />(WBC0406) <br /> <br />6 of 11 <br /> <br />(April 19. 2006) <br />