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<br />2. Install the football/soccer scoreboard by December 31, 2006; <br />3. Provide a marquee for the Santa Ana Stadium that will promote and raise awareness of <br />key events and programs occuning at the Stadium and throughout the City of Santa Ana; <br />4. Install the informational marquee by April 30, 2007; <br />5. Secure advertising sponsors for the scoreboard within one year of installation to offset the <br />City's up-front construction and installation costs for both the scoreboard and the <br />marquee. <br /> <br />III. SPECIFICATIONS <br /> <br />Vendor shall submit a detailed proposal of the services offered in response to specifications below. <br />Proposal shall include a detailed response that addresses the specifications and should not exceed 20 <br />pages. Applicants are asked to use 12 point Times New Roman font. <br /> <br />A. General <br /> <br />L Design: Proposers shall submit a conceptual design or artist rendering of: I) the <br />proposed football/soccer scoreboard; and 2) the informational marquee using the <br />conceptual drawing provided. The conceptual drawing for the scoreboard is included <br />as Attachment B. and the conceptual drawing for the marquee will be provided at the <br />August 2 pre-proposal conference. <br /> <br />The designs for both the scoreboard and the marquee must architecturally integrate <br />with the surrounding Civic Center Plaza area. Proposers are asked to use the provided <br />conceptual drawings and proposed materials as a basis for developing their conceptual <br />design or artist rendering. It is the City's intent to provide a design basis, but still <br />allow proposers to creatively influence the design look of the project. The successful <br />proposer will be required to develop construction drawings based on their design. <br /> <br />2. Advertising: The proposal shall include detailed information regarding the time it <br />will take to secure sponsors on the advertising panels of the scoreboard and the annual <br />projected revenue for each ofthe years included in Section V. <br /> <br />3. Cost of System: The price quoted must entirely cover the provision of the system <br />throughout the term of the contract, including supply and maintenance of equipment, <br />construction, installation, licensing fees, required City permits, delivery, servicing, <br />account management, etc. The City of Santa Ana reserves the right to award contracts <br />for only the scoreboard, marquee, and/or advertising. Costs for each section of the <br />proposal should be independent of the other. <br /> <br />4. Experience of Firm: The successful company must clearly demonstrate that it has <br />adequate experience in providing an outdoor scoreboard and marquee, and in securing <br />a marketing firm to provide the advertising sponsors on the scoreboard identification <br />panels. <br /> <br />5. Schedule: After a fully executed agreement has been completed, the scoreboard and <br />its components are to be delivered, fully installed and operational by December 31, <br />2006. The marquee is to be delivered, fully installed and operational by April 30, <br /> <br />6 <br />