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<br />Exhibit G <br /> <br />Note: Audit Requirements <br />States. local govermnents and non-profil institutions who receive $500,000 or more in federal <br />funds in a fiscal year shall meet the audit requirements ofthe OMB Circular A-I33, "Audits of <br />Slates, and Local Governments and l"ol1-Profit Institutions." <br /> <br />Attachmenl D <br /> <br />Assurances & Certifications <br /> <br />Selected providers will be required to sign and submit "actual" assurances and certilicates as <br />required by the City of Santa Ana and the Workforce Investment Board 011 all contracts. <br /> <br />I recognize that] must give assurances for each item below. In cannot, this proposal will be <br />automaticaUy rejected. Please initial each box. <br /> <br />] am authorized by my Board of Directors, Trustees, other legally qualified officer, or as <br />the ovmer of this agency or business to submit this proposal. <br />We are not currently on any Federal, State of California, or local Debarment list. <br />We will provide records to show that we are fiscally solvent, if needed. <br />We have. or will have, all ofthe fiscal control and accounting procedures needed to ensure <br />that \VIA funds will be used as required by law and contract. <br /> <br />29 <br />