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Specific Development Plan No. 80 <br />Section 1. Applicability of Ordinance <br />The specific development zoning district for amixed-use (commercial land use with a <br />residential component) project as authorized by Chapter 41, Division 26, Section 41-593 et <br />seq. of the Santa Ana Municipal Code (SAMC), is specifically subject to the standards and <br />regulations contained in this plan for the express purpose of establishing land use <br />regulations and standards. All other applicable chapters, articles, and sections of the <br />SAMC and any other regulations adopted by the City Council shall apply unless expressly <br />stated or superseded by this ordinance. All terms contained herein shall be defined by the <br />SAMC, unless specifically defined herein. <br />Section 2. Purpose <br />Specific Development Plan No. 80 (SD-80), consisting of standards and regulations, is <br />hereby established for the express purpose of protecting the health, safety, and general <br />welfare of the people of the City by promoting and enhancing the value of properties and <br />encouraging orderly development. <br />SD-80 sets the development and design criteria fora development consisting of <br />approximately four thousand (4,000) square feet, within the Downtown Historic National <br />Register District. The purpose of this specific development is to allow for flexibility in site <br />planning and design to respond to market conditions while assuring high quality <br />development in this architecturally significant location. <br />SD-80 specifically establishes for the property the following: <br />• Permitted uses. <br />• Development and operational standards, including building height limits, require <br />setbacks, parking, landscaping provisions, and enforcement policies, as well as a <br />provision for the protection of historic resources. <br />• Maximum authorized intensity. <br />• Signage provisions. <br />• Refuse collection. <br />• Utility requirements. <br />Section 3. Objectives <br />The objectives of SD-80 include provisions of the following: <br />A long-term development that is of the highest architectural quality and design, and that <br />architecturally complements the Downtown National Register District. <br />A landscaping plan that is complementary to a mixed-use development and sensitive to <br />the surrounding community. <br />A visually harmonious development as viewed both internally and externally. <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />Specific Development Plan No. 80 <br />7 5A- ~ ~ September 2006 <br />Page 1 of 7 <br />