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• A development that is consistent with the District Center designation of the General <br />Plan and which implements the spirit and intent of policies of the General Plan. <br />• A circulation system that is responsive to the needs of both vehicular and pedestrian <br />travel. <br />• The provision of a mixture of high quality housing and ground level commercial uses <br />along Fourth Street so as to enhance the viability and vibrancy, and pedestrian-friendly <br />qualities of the Downtown. <br />• A mixed-use project complementing an adjacent historic resource "ghost sign" located <br />on the structure immediately east of this site, as well as other culturally and <br />architecturally significant structures in the area. <br />• A mixed-use project blending with adjacent office and retail/service land uses. <br />Section 4. Permitted Uses <br />The categories of land uses to be included within the project area are retail and services <br />uses, art galleries and studios, offices and a live work community. If a use is for any <br />reason omitted from those specified as permissible or if ambiguity arises concerning the <br />classification of a particular use within the meaning and intent of this Plan, the <br />determination shall be at the discretion of the Planning Manager. Such decision may be <br />appealed to the Panning Commission whose decision is final. <br />A. Permitted uses on the first floor. <br />The following land uses are permitted on the first floor: <br />1. Retail and service uses <br />2. The following creative art uses: <br />a. Fine art galleries which may include a studio as an ancillary use. <br />b. Fiber art galleries which may include a studio as an ancillary use. <br />c. Photography studios. <br />B. Conditionally Permitted Uses on the first floor only. <br />The following uses may be permitted in the first floor subject to the issuance of a <br />conditional use permit: <br />1. Printing, lithography, and calligraphy studios. <br />2. Glass blowing and sculpturing studios. <br />3. Ceramic and pottery studios. <br />4. Cyber cafes and subject to compliance with the requirements of SAMC <br />Section 41-198.200. <br />C. Permitted Uses on floors above the first floor: <br />1. Professional and administrative offices, design professionals, but excluding <br />medical, dental, and massage therapy offices. <br />2. Fine art studio. <br />Specific Development Plan No. 80 <br />7 5A-13 September 2006 <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />