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FULL PACKET_2006-12-18
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2006-12-18
Entry Properties
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1/3/2012 4:42:41 PM
Creation date
12/13/2006 12:29:42 PM
City Clerk
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The historic "ghost sign" located on the adjacent building directly to the east <br />of the subject site must be preserved and the north end of the "ghost sign" <br />shall not blocked from public view. Therefore, the eastern side setback shall <br />be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet for a length of thirty-seven (37) feet from the <br />front property line so as to leave a clear view of the resources. Once at this <br />thirty-seven (37) feet distance, no setback is required. <br />C <br />D <br />E <br />4 <br />Rear (south). <br />No setback required although, if parking is located off the alley, a minimum <br />twenty-three feet, six inches (23'6") setback from the alley centerline shall be <br />maintained to allow for driveway turning radius. <br />Standards for dwelling units, live work community units, or commercial tenant <br />spaces above first floor <br />1. A maximum of five (5) dwelling units, live work community units, or <br />commercial tenant spaces for this project. <br />2. Each dwelling unit, live work community unit, or commercial tenant space <br />shall be at least one-thousand (1,000) gross square feet in size. <br />3. Each dwelling unit, live work community unit, or commercial tenant space <br />shall have bathroom facilities apart from other residential units, including a <br />water closet, wash basin, and a bathtub or shower. <br />4. Each dwelling unit, live work community unit, or commercial tenant space <br />shall have kitchen facilities apart from other units, including a kitchen sink, <br />cooking appliances, and refrigerator. All such facilities shall have a clear <br />working space of at least thirty (30) inches in front of and perpendicular to it. <br />5. Each dwelling unit, live work community unit, or commercial tenant space <br />first floor shall have its own storage area in the in the basement of the <br />building. <br />Standards for commercial tenant space at first floor. <br />1. Each commercial tenant space shall space shall be at least one-thousand, <br />one-hundred (1,100) gross square feet. <br />2. Each commercial tenant space shall be provided a minimum of seven <br />hundred-eighty (780) square feet of storage space which shall be made <br />available within the basement of the building. <br />Parking. <br />1. Parking provided on-site shall be provided by interior garage and parking lift. <br />2. Units above ground/street level shall be provided at a minimum of standards <br />defined as: <br />a. One (1) parking space for each unit with a size of one-thousand, six- <br />hundred (1,600) gross square feet or less. . <br />Specific Development Plan No. 80 <br />75A 15 September 2006 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />
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