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FULL PACKET_2006-12-18
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2006-12-18
Entry Properties
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1/3/2012 4:42:41 PM
Creation date
12/13/2006 12:29:42 PM
City Clerk
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b. Two (2) parking spaces for each unit with a size of one-thousand, six- <br />hundred and one (1,601) gross square feet up to three-thousand, two- <br />hundred (3,200) gross square feet. . <br />c. Three (3) parking spaces for each unit with a size of three-thousand, <br />two-hundred and one (3,201) and larger gross square feet. . <br />3. No additional parking shall be required on site. <br />4. No guest parking shall be permitted within the parking lifts. <br />F. Walls and Screening. <br />1. Except as provided in Section 6(G)(1)(c) below, any wall or fence shall be <br />constructed in compliance with the SAMC and is subject to approval of the <br />Planning Division. <br />2. Any equipment, whether on the roof, side of the building, or in the courtyard <br />area, or on the ground, shall be screened. The method of screening shall be <br />architecturally integrated with the building in terms of material, color, shape, <br />and size. <br />G. Landscape/Hardscape Standards. <br />The final design satisfying the following requirements shall be subject to the review <br />and approval of the Planning Manager: <br />A minimum of afive-hundred fifty-five (555) square foot courtyard shall be <br />maintained at the front of the property so as not to obscure the historic "ghost <br />sign" on the structure immediately east of the proposed building. <br />a. This courtyard shall maintain a water feature, hardscape and <br />landscape features to complement and highlight the historic "ghost <br />sign". <br />b. The courtyard area shall incorporate uplighting to highlight the historic <br />"ghost sign" to enhance the visibility, attractiveness, and preservation <br />of this cultural feature. This uplighting feature shall be on a timer so <br />as to minimize the amount of exterior lighting from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 <br />a.m. <br />c. The courtyard area shall incorporate seating, seat walls, water feature, <br />lighting, artwork (such as sculpture or sculpturally designed fence and <br />gate) and landscaping to provide visual interest and additional <br />amenities within the area. All seating, benches, and surfaces shall be <br />made of a durable material such as concrete, stone, or painted iron, <br />and be designed to minimize effects from vandalism, weather, and <br />incorporate graffiti resistant coatings. <br />d. Landscaped areas within the courtyard area shall be irrigated using an <br />automatic sprinkler system. The project shall have an approved <br />Landscape Plan prior to construction permits being issued, and shall <br />be fully implemented prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. <br />2. First floor pedestrian amenities shall include lighting, and planters. These <br />amenities shall be designed to minimize effects from vandalism, weather, <br />and incorporate graffiti resistant coatings. Additional pedestrian amenities are <br />Specific Development Plan No. 80 <br />7 5A-16 September 2006 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />
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