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FULL PACKET_2006-12-18
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2006-12-18
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1/3/2012 4:42:41 PM
Creation date
12/13/2006 12:29:42 PM
City Clerk
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Conditional Use Permit No. 2006-21 <br />November 27, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />The proposed wireless facility will include six panel antennas, six <br />mounted tower amplifiers and coaxial cable mounting in a radome, all of <br />which will be camouflaged as a Canary Island Pine Tree. The monopine and <br />equipment cabinets will be enclosed by a six-foot high wrought iron fence <br />and will be screened with shrubs and vines. Two 48-inch box size Canary <br />Island Pines (Pinus canariensis) will be planted on either side of the <br />monopine (Exhibits 5 and 6). The leased site is behind an auto repair <br />business and located approximately 120 feet north of First Street. <br />Analysis of the Issues <br />In July 1998, the Planning Commission and City Council adopted an <br />ordinance that regulates Wireless Communication Facilities throughout the <br />City. Major wireless facilities are required to have a stealth design and <br />be located on a building or in an area that provides the greatest amount <br />of visual screening and requires the approval of a conditional use permit. <br />The proposed wireless facility is located within an enclosed leased area <br />and the equipment cabinets are screened by new landscaping. Adequate <br />screening is provided for the wireless facility and it is buffered by <br />industrial buildings along First Street. Additionally, the proposed <br />monopine is designed to allow for future co-location by another provider. <br />The applicant has explored alternatives to the monopine structure, such as <br />locating the cellular antenna on the roof of an existing building in the <br />area. Structures in the area, however, are not tall enough to meet the <br />coverage needs of T-Mobile. A 60-foot tall facility is needed in order to <br />improve cellular coverage and increase call capacity and quality. The <br />proposed cellular antenna will provide a benefit to Santa Ana residents, <br />businesses and motorists who subscribe to T-Mobile by closing service gaps <br />in the area and providing additional calling capacity. Equipment for the <br />monopine will be located in metal cabinets within the leased area. All <br />wiring and conduit will be underground or hidden in the interior of the <br />monopole. The proposed wireless facility complies with the City's <br />Wireless Communications Facility Ordinance and will provide needed service <br />to the central section of the City. <br />Based upon the above analysis and findings, staff recommends that the <br />Planning Commission approve Conditional Use Permit No. 2006-21 as <br />conditioned. <br />31 A-3 <br />
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