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Mr. George Alvarez <br />City of Santa Ana <br />February 15,2007 <br />Page 2 <br />c. If necessary, Harris will generate revised backlog costs using the APWA Micro PAVER system. The <br />backlog information will be compiled into a detailed report and submitted to the City for review and <br />comment. After receiving comments from the City, the backlog report will be re-generated, if necessary, <br />and finalized. <br />d. Hams will provide a letter report that discusses the fmdings and recommendations. (Assumes up to one <br />meeting with staff to review recommendations.) <br />4. Ftiruding Options. Identify the feasible options available for funding the capital rehabilitation and <br />improvetrtent of streets, sidewalks and streetlights, the amotmt that can be funded and the pros and cons of the <br />different options. Funding options will include AHRP funds, gas tax funds and other funding mechanisms that <br />may be available. (ilp to one meeting estimated with City staff.) <br />5. Case Study Analysis. In conjunction with City stab, review the City's GIS and Pavement Management <br />System to select an area or areas to be used as a "test case" for cost comparison purposes (it is assumed that <br />the area or areas will showcase different land uses, such as primarily industrial and residential uses). Identify <br />the following: <br />• The number of parcels each area <br />• Land use types and zoning within each area <br />• Amount of street frontage each parcel has <br />• Pazcel size <br />• The type and estimated costs of the proposed improvements within each area <br />• Any additional information required for the case study. <br />Review alternatives for funding the improvements in these areas for comparison purposes. <br />6. Summary Report. Prepare a draft Summary Report incorporating a discussion of the analyses performed. <br />Recommendations will be made regarding the establishment process the benefit methodology and cost <br />apportionment formulas. The steps for formation will be outlined for the proposed district(s) as well as the <br />preliminary timeline for establishment and the estimated cost of formation. Public education and outreach <br />options will also be discussed. Submit up to five (5) copies of the draft Report. Meet with City staff and <br />Financing Team to discuss comments prior to finalization. Finalize the Summary Repoli and provide copies <br />to the City. (Up to two rx~eting estimated with City.} <br />7. City Council Study Session. Attend a City Council study session to present time Summary Report and <br />recommendations. <br />Proposed Fee <br />Harris & Associates will perform the services identified above on a time-spent basis for snot-to-exceed amount <br />of 547,500. <br />Q_Uk~ ~ I Harris & Associates <br />posals~Sanfa Ana\Streets Asm[ 2006\Santa Ana Strut Nroposal revision 15Rb07.doc <br />