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<br />Santa Ana Planning Commission <br />Re: lID Supply variance application 07-01 <br />2nd page <br /> <br />I have recently spoken to an aCTA employee, who has indicated to me that lID Supply and the City <br />have had discussions concerning this truck driveway. And that aCTA., for safety considerations, does <br />not approve of this truck driveway planned so dangerously near the railroad crossing. <br /> <br />March 16, 2007 <br /> <br />The planned truck dock and driveway is a clever trick designed to deceive. lID Supply clearly intends to <br />disregard the planned loading spaces as they are too few, are unsuitable for their operations and <br />dangerous. Inevitably, they will unload and distribute merchandise using off-street parking and <br />customer drive path areas. Customers will be forced to park on neighborhood streets and employees will <br />be directed to park somewhere other than the lIDS parking lot. <br /> <br />4. lID Supply has failed to include accommodations for day-laborers. <br /> <br />lIDS admits that their stores are an attraction for day-laborers; yet they do not provide accommodations <br />for them in the plans. At the Feb. 26th meeting lIDS stated that they do not intend to provide <br />accommodations for day-laborers. <br /> <br />Yet, the Pomona store provides space for an assistance office, the Montebello store provides space for <br />catering trucks. These uses further would reduce available off-street parking. How many day laborers <br />will be attracted to this area? What about restroom and other accommodations? Is this situation <br />desirable for a main entrance to downtown Santa Ana, or "Downtown Orange County" ? <br /> <br />5. The planned parking lot exit at Santa Fe St. will increase traffic and noise in the residential <br />neighborhood to the east. <br /> <br />There is only one exit planned for this property, all vehicles exiting this property will exit onto Santa Fe <br />St. Traffic, including large noisy trucks, will cut through 2nd and 3m streets into the neighborhood. <br />Elderly long time residents live and walk in this neighborhood. Kids l'lay in these streets. Residents will <br />be subjected to intolerable noise and traffic seven days a week. <br /> <br />lID Supply and the City, if this variance application is approved, are mandating that the surrounding <br />business and residential community absorb their grossly inadequate parking allowance. We are already <br />severely impacted by a shortage of parking. To ask us to absorb this additional parking, traffic, noise and <br />safety burden would be devastating to the neighborhood. <br /> <br />For the reasons stated, including: a) the misapplication of the Industrial parking standard, b) insufficient, <br />unusable loading spaces provided, c) the dangerous truck driveway, d) the unaddressed day-laborer <br />situation, and e) increased dangerous and noisy vehicle and truck traffic in the residential neighborhood; <br />I respectfully request that the Planning Commission deny the lID Supply application for parking variance. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />~p.~ <br />Mike Tardif ~ / <br /> <br />Page 10 of43 <br /> <br />31A-77 <br />