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the licensed premises, shall be borne by LICENSEES, and each <br />of them, and reimbursed to CITY on demand. <br />10. LICENSEES, and each of them, shall comply with all <br />laws, rules and regulations of the United States of America, <br />the State of California, the County of Orange, the City of <br />Santa Ana and all applicable governmental entities, agencies, <br />boards, commissions and bureaus thereof in the exercise of <br />the license granted herein. <br />11. During the term of this Agreement, LICENSEES, and <br />each of them, shall maintain the interior and exterior of <br />the concession stand in good order, condition and repair, to <br />the satisfaction of CITY'S Director of Recreation and Parks. <br />LICENSEES, and each of them, shall provide adequate waste <br />receptacles in the vicinity of the concession stand and <br />shall keep said concession stand and the surrounding premises <br />clear of litter, trash, paper, bottles, boxes and other <br />debris or unsightly rubbish occurring from the exercise of <br />the license herein granted. <br />12. CITY and LICENSEES understand and agree that said <br />concession stand shall remain as personal property and shall <br />not be deemed to be a fixture. Title to said concession <br />stand shall remain in LICENSEES, and each of them, during <br />the term of this Agreement. <br />13. Upon termination of the license granted hereby, or <br />in the event of LICENSEES' discontinuance of the use of the <br />licensed premises, title to said concession stand and all <br />appurtenant fixtures shall vest in CITY. If LICENSEES, or <br />either of them, at any time receives an offer, whether or <br />not solicited, to purchase all or any portion of their or <br />its interest in said concession stand, and if LICENSEES, or <br />either of them, are willing to accept such offer, LICENSEES, <br />or either of them, shall give written notice of the amount <br />and terms of the offer, the identity of the proposed trans- <br />feree, and LICENSEES' willingness to accept such offer to <br />CITY's Director of Recreation and Parks. CITY shall have <br />the exclusive option, within thirty (30) days after such <br />notice is given, to purchase LICENSEES' interest in said <br />concession stand for the sum of one dollar ($1.00). Said <br />exclusive option may be exercised by CITY in writing, addressed <br />to LICENSEES, at the addresses listed below, and delivered <br />-4- <br />