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the CITY and the reasonable and necessary expenses of <br />LICENSEES in connection with LICENSEES' covenants hereunder, <br />and shall not inure to the personal benefit of any individual. <br />LICENSEES,Iand each of them, covenant, by accepting the <br />terms hereof, that it and they will not use the revenues nor <br />permit the use of the revenues derived under this Agreement <br />for any purpose other than those specified herein. LICENSEES, <br />and each of them, agree to keep records of all transactions <br />arising out of the operation of said concession stand, and <br />to make such records available for inspection by CITY, its <br />agents or employees at any time. LICENSEES, and each of <br />them, shall file or cause to be filed with CITY'S Director <br />of Recreation and Parks, no later than January 31 each year <br />an annual financial report showing cash receipts and dis- <br />bursements from all activities within LICENSES' operations <br />within the year preceeding. <br />7. LICENSEES, and each of them, agree to cooperate in <br />the prevention, suppression and abatement of trespass, <br />vandalism, or other conditions existing at the licensed <br />premises, which LICENSOR's Director of Recreation and Parks <br />determines to be detrimental to the public health, safety or <br />welfare, or not in the best interests of public recreation, <br />and directs LICENSEES, or either of them, to abate. Upon <br />such direction, LICENSEES shall abate the condition in the <br />manner reasonably specified in such directive. <br />8. CITY makes no warranties or representations con- <br />cerning the licensed premises nor any means of ingress <br />thereto or egress therefrom. CITY agrees to provide gas, <br />water and electric service to said concession stand at no <br />cost, so long as consumption by LICENSEES is reasonable. <br />CITY reserves the right to require LICENSEES, or either of <br />them, to pay charges for excessive and unreasonable con- <br />sumption of gas, water or electric services as determined by <br />CITY'S Director of Recreation and Parks; provided, however, <br />LICENSEES may appeal any such charge to CITY'S City Manager. <br />LICENSEES, and each of them, shall bear the entire cost of <br />preparation and maintenance of said licensed premises, <br />paying for installation of locks, additional lights and <br />other security devices, as well as any and all other expenses <br />incurred by LICENSEES, and either of them, under this Agree- <br />ment. <br />9. Any increased cost to CITY of operating, main- <br />taining, repairing, reconstructing or improving CITY property <br />immediately adjacent to the licensed premises, which results <br />directly or indirectly from LICENSEES' use or maintenance of <br />-3- <br />