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6.20 Specifications Not Contractual <br />Nothing contained in the Request for Proposals shall create any contractual relationship between <br />the Proposer and the City. The City accepts no financial responsibility for costs incurred by any <br />Proposer regarding this RFP. <br />6.21 Standard Terms and Conditions <br />Prior to the award of any work hereunder, City and Vendor shall enter into the written <br />agreement/contract, sample attached hereto as Appendix D. Proposers responding to this RFP <br />are strongly advised to review all the terms and conditions of the Agreement. <br />6.22 Taxes <br />Price bid shall include federal, state, local and other taxes. <br />6.23 Term of Agreement <br />The term of this agreement shall be for one (1) year. The City of Santa Ana reserves the right of <br />renewing this agreement for an additional four (4) one year periods, with the approval of the <br />City Manager, and without further City Council approval if the same prices, terms, and conditions <br />are acceptable to both parties. <br />This term is subject to final approval by the Santa Ana City Council. <br />6.24 Transportation and Parking <br />Parking at no charge will be made available to the Vendor's personnel while on assignment with <br />the City. <br />If a City vehicle is not available, the Vendor and /or its employees shall be responsible at their own <br />expense for providing transportation to and from specific job locations during the workday as <br />necessary. <br />Temporary employees on assignment with the City will be authorized by the Vendor and be <br />licensed to operate a City vehicle as necessary to perform their assignment. <br />6.25 Transition <br />The City has been using temporary technical contract service personnel and consulting services <br />since 1997. Under previous Vendor Agreements, it has engaged a number of such persons and <br />wishes to retain their services under any Agreement/s resulting from this RFP. Selected Proposer <br />will be expected to employ these individuals under the Agreement with the City. The City is not <br />seeking any substitutes or alternative performers. The City will consider any exceptions to the <br />transition on a case -by -case basis. Under a transition, background checking will not be required. <br />6.26 Withdrawal of Proposal <br />Any requests to withdraw a proposal must be submitted in writing <br />