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employment verifications. In addition, we work with the client to arrange security access and <br />communicate client work rules and policies. By taking care of many of these tasks before the <br />consultant begins work, we allow the consultant to be productive from the very first day. <br />Performance Monitoring and Evaluation <br />After a consultant begins work for our client, we regularly monitor their performance, evaluate <br />their performance in relation to the client's needs, and provide feedback and support to both <br />the consultant and client. If any human resource - related issues arise, SoftMaster steps in to <br />mitigate and correct these issues. <br />Candidate Quality (ref. section 2.2.k) <br />SoftMaster's mission is to provide the highest quality information technology consultants at <br />reasonable rates. While we do provide consultants at all experience levels in order to meet our <br />clients' needs, we focus on providing Senior Level resources at reasonable billing rates. <br />Many of our consultants were formerly employed by vendors or major consulting companies <br />such as Oracle, Delloitte and Touche, and Unisys Professional Services. On average, our <br />consultants posess more than 13.5 years of industry experience. <br />As mentioned, we do provide resources at all skill levels in order to meet the needs of our <br />clients' specific job requirements. However, in each category, we strive to identify and retain <br />only the most skilled resources with the particular skillset and rate ranges that meets a job <br />requirement. We may not send our clients as many candidates as other firms, but those clients <br />regularly tell us that the candidates that we do provide them are always much more qualified <br />than they are accustomed to seeing. <br />Many of our consultants possess industry certifications that further document their level of <br />skills. These include Oracle certified DBA's, PMP certified project managers, lava certified <br />developers, and a wide range of Microsoft Certified Professionals. In the last category, virtually <br />all of our Infrastructure consultants possess some form of Microsoft Certification such as MCSE, <br />MCSA, MCDBA, MCDST, or MCP. <br />Training Programs (ref. section 2.2.1) <br />SoftMaster provides numerous training opportunities to keep our consultants up to date on the <br />latest technologies. As mentioned, previously, SoftMaster maintains partnerships with key <br />software vendors in order to have access to the latest software as well as training <br />opportunities. We have partnerships with several companies of interest to the City including: <br />• Microsoft (Certified Level Partner) <br />• Oracle <br />• Business Objects (Crystal Reports) <br />We have several categories of training opportunities available to our consultants: <br />April 2007 <br />27 <br />