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LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />MAY 2007 <br />STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS <br />TO PROVIDE ON -CALL ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SERVICES <br />CEQA ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION <br />Senior Environmental Planner Nicole Dubois contributes to project planning for large land use <br />proposals and development projects. Her responsibilities include research and preparation of <br />environmental documents pursuant to CEQA and NEPA. Her recent projects include the Orange <br />County Fair and Exposition Center Master Plan, Santa Ana College Master Plan, Santiago Canyon <br />College Master Plan, the Long Beach Sports Park, and Long Beach Home Depot. <br />Lisa Williams, Senior Environmental Specialist, is a Registered Environmental Health Specialist and <br />a Registered Environmental Assessor I with more than 15 years of experience involving project <br />management and expertise related to hazardous waste and water quality issues. In addition to <br />redevelopment projects, her project management experience includes infrastructure, new residential, <br />and commercial and school projects. Ms. Williams' technical experience includes Phase I <br />Environmental Site Assessments, Soil and Groundwater Investigations, Water Quality Assessments <br />Reports, and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Compliance. <br />Environmental Engineer Nicole West assists in the preparation of environmental assessments with a <br />focus on water quality. She has participated in all aspects of Environmental Engineering in water and <br />wastewater with an emphasis in Ecological Engineering (i.e., constructing treatment wetlands, <br />reservoir management, river restoration). Ms. West possesses applied experience in both fisheries <br />(Sacramento Delta) and pesticides/weed management. <br />TASK MANAGERS <br />The following key LSA staff will serve as Task Managers responsible for conducting quality <br />control/peer review (as needed), technical evaluations, and preparation of technical reports. <br />AIR QUALITY AND NOISE ANALYSES <br />Dr. Tony Chung, Principal and Director of Acoustical/Air Quality Services, will serve as Task <br />Manager for Air and Noise Studies. Dr. Chung has over 16 years of experience in environmental <br />studies, specializing in noise and air quality impact analyses. He is a Board -certified member of the <br />Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE) and a certified acoustical consultant in Orange and San <br />Diego Counties. Dr. Chung has conducted more than 400 noise impact analyses for <br />highways/freeways, airports, railroads, landfills, industrial/manufacturing plants, schools, hospitals, <br />and residential communities. Dr. Chung has conducted more than 100 air quality studies for <br />highways/freeways, airports, seaports and bays, landfills, commercial and industrial developments, <br />schools/universities, and residential communities in numerous air quality management/control <br />districts throughout the State of California and the southwestern United States. <br />BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES <br />Art Homrighausen will oversee preparation of the biological resources analysis and permitting <br />services. As Manager of the Natural Resources unit in LSA's Irvine office, Mr. Homrighausen directs <br />a variety of biological studies and preparation of reports, including impact assessments, vegetation <br />and wildlife surveys, riparian and coastal wetlands analyses, endangered species analyses, and <br />L:\PROPOSAL\Z.ZZ1384A1 - Santa Ana On -call Env SrvcsTroposal.doc «05/18/07» 16 <br />