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LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />MAY 2007 <br />STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS <br />TO PROVIDE ON -CALL ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SERVICES <br />mitigation planning. He also works extensively with planning and regulatory agencies to secure <br />various approvals and permits, including subdivision approvals, CUPS, Sections 1601-1603 and <br />Section 404 authorizations, endangered species authorizations, and CDPs. Mr. Homrighausen has <br />considerable experience with the Central/Coastal Natural Communities Conservation Plan/Habitat <br />Conservation Plan (NCCP/HCP). <br />Mr. Homrighausen has extensive knowledge and experience in ecological studies, surveys, wetlands <br />analysis, mitigation planning, and CEQA/NEPA documentation. In addition, Mr. Homrighausen <br />successfully processed Section 7 consultations or Section 4(d) authorizations (pursuant to the federal <br />Endangered Species Act) for the threatened California gnatcatcher on dozens of projects in Southern <br />California. <br />CULTURAL AND PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES <br />Steve Conkling is an LSA Principal and Director of the Cultural and Paleontological Resources <br />Management Group for LSA's Irvine office. Mr. Conkling has over 20 years of field experience in <br />cultural and paleontological resource management, the last 13 of which were with LSA. As manager, <br />Mr. Conkling's responsibilities include directing archaeological field activities and coordinating <br />Section 106 compliance with the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). He reviews all <br />cultural resources reports and conducts paleontological resource evaluations for EIRs, including field <br />surveys, literature reviews, and development of mitigation measures. Mr. Conkling also directs field <br />monitoring and salvage operations. <br />Mr. Conkling has conducted many cultural and paleontological resource evaluation studies and <br />supervised cultural and paleontological salvage operations throughout California. <br />TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS <br />Michael Amling is a Principal in the Environmental Planning Unit and Manager of the GIS Group in <br />Irvine. Mr. Amling will serve as leader of environmental documents for transportation projects. <br />Mr. Amling has 17 years in the environmental and urban planning profession and 10 years with LSA. <br />Mr. Amling is widely recognized for his management of environmental documents on numerous <br />Orange County transportation projects. Recent projects include the Orange County Gateway EIS/EIR <br />for the City of Placentia; Orange County CenterLine EIS/EIR for the Orange County Transportation <br />Authority (OCTA); and West Orange County Project Definition Study. Mr. Amling's experience <br />includes project management, environmental impact assessment, policy analysis, and site planning. <br />He has researched and written technical sections in environmental documents, General Plans, Specific <br />Plans, and urban design programs. His expertise in technical environmental issues includes land use <br />consistency, air quality, noise, aesthetics, light and glare, and public services and utilities. His <br />background and expertise in policy and urban planning analyses include preparation and analysis of <br />General Plans and Speck Plans and preparation of open space, recreation, and urban design <br />programs. <br />idLAPROPOSAUZZZ1384A1 - Santa Ana On -call Env Srvcs\Proposal.doc <<05/18/07» 17 <br />