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■ <br />LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />MAY 2007 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS <br />TO PROVIDE ON -CALL ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW SERVICES <br />TRAFFIC STUDIES <br />Tony Petros, Principal and Manager of the Transportation Group, has been with LSA for 20 years. <br />Mr. Petros will be responsible for traffic and circulation technical analysis issues for projects with the <br />City of Santa Ana. Mr. Petros' primary responsibilities at LSA include managing transportation <br />engineering services, reviewing comprehensive traffic and parking studies, and assisting in the <br />preparation of environmental documents. Mr. Petros has conducted traffic studies throughout the <br />State of California, applying the Caltrans Traffic Manual, Highway Design Manual, and Project <br />Development Process guidelines and requirements. He has developed numerous traffic and parking <br />management plans for both public and private projects. <br />Mr. Petros has expertise in large-scale transportation projects and operational analysis. He also <br />specializes in coordinating transportation projects with municipal agency administrators. Mr. Petros <br />has managed the traffic and circulation tasks of various State highway projects using advanced <br />analytical methodologies to assess freeway mainline operations, ramp merge/diverge, weaving <br />sections, ramp metering, and ramp/terminal operations. In addition, Mr. Petros has a working <br />knowledge of transit -oriented developments and their relationship to redevelopment projects. <br />L:\PROPOSAL\ZZZ1384A1 - Santa Ana On -call Env Sms\Proposai.doc «05/18/07» 18 <br />