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<br />DO NOT RECORD <br /> <br />III. PERMIT <br /> <br />A. Priority Use Policy: It is the pOlicy of the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency that Santa Ana residents <br />are given priority status in making reservations. The Agency recognizes that the demand for reserved facilities may be <br />more than the supply of said facilities. Therefore, at times, there may be more than one league that is competing for use of <br />the space at the same time. Therefore, the following factors shall be used in determining which league will have priority use <br />of an athletic facility in the event of a conflict: <br /> <br />1) 1 st Priority - City run sport program; <br />2" Priority - Local run sport program (Programs with more than 51 % residents on each team); <br />3rd Priority - Non-local sport program (Programs with less than 51 % residents on each team); <br />2) Percentage of the leagues participants reside in the immediate area of the facility (GIS Maps to assist in <br />determining this information); <br />3) Percentage of the leagues participants reside in the City (GIS Maps to assist in determining this information); <br />4) The league is civic minded which is being one that dedicates part of its mission to serve and support youth in <br />Santa Ana. <br />5) The league has established that it follows City/Agency rules, policies and procedures; <br /> <br />B. Annual Use Permit Procedure for Sporling Facilities: The Agency shall determine which park facilities shall be <br />reserved for annual play. Each year the Agency shall request that all leagues complete the registration process to be <br />considered for annual fleld use permits. Leagues that successfully complete the registration process will be notified of their <br />new annual field use permits. Leagues who wish to change their annual field use permits may write a letter to the <br />Recreation-Reservation Supervisor specifically stating the reason for the requested change and what proposed changes the <br />Agency should consider. Upon receipt of a leagues letter requesting a change in their annual field use permits the <br />Recreation-Reservation Supervisor shall meet with the sport organization to discuss and clarify the proposed changes <br />stated in their letter. The Recreation-Reservation Supervisor shall respond back to the requesting league stating the <br />Agency's decision on the request. Should the league still not be satisfied with their annual field use permits the league may <br />write a letter to the Park Superintendent requesting a hearing with the Committee On Field Usage (COFU). Should a <br />hearing with COFU take place, a written recommendation from COFU will be forwarded to the PRCSA Reservation Team <br />for final review and decision. <br /> <br />C. Rules Governing Annual Field Use Permits: <br /> <br />1) Forfeiture of Unused Permit Reservation Time Blocks: Should a league fail to reserve its specific field and <br />time block under their use permit ten (10) times during the course of the year, the annual use permit for that <br />field and time block is deemed forfeited and will become available every Tuesday and Thursday moming at <br />11 :00 a.m. for weekly reservations. <br /> <br />2) Available Time Blocks: Time blocks, which are forfeited or become available for any reason, shall be <br />available to any registered league for reservation each Tuesday and Thursday morning at 11 :00 a.m. in <br />the Reservation Customer Service Representative's office. At this time, the Reservation Customer <br />Service Representative will, if more than one league is interested in reserving the available field/time block, <br />ask the Park Services Superintendent to use the Priority Use procedure mentioned above to determine who <br />may reserve the field/time block. <br /> <br />3) Trading or Transferring Blocks: Trading or transferring of blocks is prohibited and considered a violation of <br />the policies and procedures. Leagues who know they will be unable to use their time block(s) shall cancel their <br />reservation(s) thereby making the time block(s) available for the Agency to make it available for others to use. <br />(reference page 5 IV. Field Reservations, B. Reservations Cancellations or Changes) <br /> <br />4) Reservation Time Blocks: All reservations shall be broken into time blocks: <br /> <br />a) Youth Sports - Reservations shall be made in 2-hour time blocks. <br />b) Adult Sports - Reservations shall be made in 4-hour time blocks. <br /> <br />5) Unauthorized Use of Fields: Unauthorized use of fields without a permit is <br />strictly prohibited. Violators may be cited and/or receive a waming, strike or suspension (see attachment 3 <br />Strike/Suspension Policy). <br /> <br />6) Inclement Weather Policy (MUD LINE): During conditions of inclement weather the Mud Line will be update <br />during the day with the last update at 3:00PM. Leagues shall call the Mud Line (714-571-4201) prior to <br />scheduled play to determine whether or not specific sport fields are open or closed. Should the Mud Line <br />specify that specific sport fields or portions of a field are closed then leagues understand and agree that!!Q play <br />of any type shall be scheduled on the specified sport fields until it is noted on the Mud Line that specific sport <br />fields or portions thereof are open. <br /> <br />a) Baseball/Softball leagues shall make their own determination as to whether or not field(s) is safe and <br />playable. This sport group shall be held accountable for injuries to players and damage(s) to fields should <br />they decide to play. <br /> <br />5 <br />