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5.2.2. SCE shall provide, at no cost to the Program, informational and <br />educational materials on SCE's statewide and local energy efficiency <br />programs to the City which will assist the City to implement the Program. <br />5.2.3. SCE shall be responsible for al] communications, reporting and all other <br />mandated or requested information, filings or other material requested, <br />required or otherwise ordered by the Commission. <br />5.2.4. SCE will identify a Program Representative, who will be the single point <br />of contact between the City and the SCE Program Managers. <br />5.3. The Parties <br />5.3.1 The Parties or their designated representative shall complete the <br />Authorized Work within the Approved budget <br />5.3.2 The Parties or their designated representative shall engage in routine <br />weekly communication during the Term of this Agreement to review the <br />status of the Program's deliverables, marketing approaches, schedules and <br />the budgets, and to collaboratively plan for upcoming Program activities. <br />6. ADMINISTRATION OF PROGRAM: The LGEAR program was filed as a separate <br />Program Implementation Plan (PIP); the individual communities comprising the LGEAR <br />program are not separately filed programs. There are no specific predetermined measures for <br />this partnership. <br />6.1. The SCE Program Representative will define what will be done and how (s)he <br />will interface with the City or its designated representative. <br />7. DOUBLE DIPPING PROHIBITED. <br />In performing its respective Authorized Work obligations, a Party shall implement the <br />following mechanism and shall take other practicable steps to minimize double-dipping: <br />7.1. Prior to providing incentives or services to an Eligible Customer, a Party sha11 <br />obtain a signed form from such Customer stating the following: <br />7.1.1. - Customer has not received incentives or services for the same measure <br />from any other SCE program or from another utility, state, or local <br />program; and <br />7.1.2. Customer agrees not to apply for or receive incentives or services for the <br />same measure from another utility, state, or ]ocal program. <br />7.2. Each Party shall keep its Customer-signed forms for at least 5 years after the <br />expiration or termination of this Agreement. <br />7.3. No Parry shall knowingly provide an incentive to a Customer, or make payment <br />to a Contractor or Subcontractor who is receiving compensation for the same product or <br />service either through another ratepayer-funded program, or through any other funding <br />source. <br />tt <br />