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needed. If the Nonresidential Direct Install Program has already been deployed then remaining <br />businesses could be served by the Express Efficiency Program. <br />(f) Residential In-Home Surveys: Coordinate with local agencies to <br />distribute welcome package to new home owners and conduct In-home energy surveys. <br />(g) Mobile Educational Unit: Utilize the Mobile Education Unit for <br />residential community events and distribute energy information and CFLs to each visitor. <br />3.2. Program Objectives: The primary Program objective is to achieve short and long <br />term energy savings and demand reduction in Santa Ana by partnering with SCE to identify <br />energy efficiency opportunities and facilitate the adoption of energy efficiency measures in Santa <br />Ana communities. Specific objectives of the City of Santa Ana include: <br />3.2.1. Becoming an Active Energy Efficiencv Partner: Santa Ana's most <br />immediate partnership goal is to provide proactive leadership in energy efficiency in the City. <br />The City wants to work in collaboration with SCE to provide energy efficiency benefits to <br />residents, local businesses, the utilities, and the State. <br />3.2.2. Targeting Activities in Existing Empowerment Zone: The City of Santa <br />Ana proposes to begin by addressing both utility needs for cost-effective energy efficiency <br />savings and the City's goals of serving its defined Empowerment Zone. The City has a non- <br />profit corporation that addresses this 4 sq. mile azea that houses as many as 60,000 residents, <br />many of them low-income. The Empowerment Zone is marked by low income multi-family <br />housing seemingly suitable for energy efficiency upgrades. The Board of Directors of the <br />Empowerment Zone has already shown interest in an efficiency partnership. The Santa Ana <br />Energy Efficiency partnership will help sign up eligible Santa Ana residents to CARE rates. <br />3.2.3. Creating a Local Presence for Energy Efficiencv: The City of Santa Ana <br />seeks to immediately create a "face" for energy efficiency by establishing a local presence and <br />outreach campaign. SCE will work with its consultants and vendors to establish specific <br />strategies and tactics to address this need. <br />3.2.4. Achieving the City's Long-Term Goals: In the long-term the City seeks to <br />integrate energy efficiency considerations in future building decision making, maximize energy <br />efficiency, develop solar capacity and other forms of distributed generation, become active in the <br />California Climate Action Registry, and support the Governor's environmental initiatives. <br />Overall, the City of Santa Ana aims to become a responsible energy consuming city. <br />3.3. Program Implementation. All partners will participate equally in Program <br />development and the establishment of goals, deliverables and milestones for the Program and <br />share commitment to achievement of Program goals. <br />Projected Activities: The projected activities for the 2007 - 2008 partnership activities are based <br />on a) leveraging Southern California Edison programs, and b) innovative and customized Local <br />Marketing and Outreach Strategies, and c) Special Santa Ana Initiatives. <br />3.3.1. Leveraging Southern California Edison Proerams. First and foremost, the <br />City of Santa Ana seeks to increase participation in Southern California Edison's existing <br />programs. This proposal presents an initial focus - a strategic roster of programs that will <br />support the partnership objectives -but remains open to working on supporting the uptake of all <br />utility programs and services, as well as third party energy efficiency initiatives. The 2007 - <br />6 <br />