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City of Santa Ana <br />Scope of Work <br />Name of Organization Hotline of Southern California <br />Name of Funded Program Hotline <br />Annual Accomplishment Goal <br />I. Total number of unduplicated clients (Santa Ana and Non -Santa Ana Residents) anticipated to be served by the <br />funded program, named above, during the 12 -month contract period. <br />F-7-30-0-01 Persons <br />II. Number of ONLY unduplicated Santa Ana residents to be served by the funded program, named above, during the <br />12 -month contract period. <br />3310 Persons <br />Program and Funding Description <br />Ill. Description of Work - In the space below, describe the program to be funded during the 12 -month contract period. <br />What specific activities will be undertaken during the contract period. Please be concise in your response. Only the <br />viewable space will print. <br />The Hotline will use trained volunteers to provide non -judgmental, empathetic listening via the telephone. In <br />addition they will provide current information and referral to agencies and programs that can help clients with <br />homelessness, financial assistance, clothing, food, legal aid, bereavement, treatment programs for substance <br />abuse, healthcare and mental health services. The volunteers can seek intervention for those in crisis notifying <br />family, friends or healthcare professionals, if necessary. <br />Schedule of Performace <br />Estimate the number of ONLY unduplicated Santa Ana residents to be served by the funded program during the 12 - <br />month contract period per quarter. (Enter number of new Santa Ana clients served each quarter. If they were served <br />in quarter 1 do not count them again in quarter 2 <br />Quarter 1: July 1 - September 30 827 Persons <br />Quarter 2: October 1 - December 31 827 Persons <br />Quarter 3: January 1 - March 31 828 Persons <br />Quarter 4: April 1 -June 30 828 Persons <br />3310 Total unduplicated Santa Ana Residents to be served. <br />Schedule of Invoicing <br />Estimate the amount of grant funds to be requested during the 12 -month contract period on a quarterly basis. <br />Quarter 1: July 1 - September 30 $ 1,250.00 <br />Quarter 2: October 1 - December 31 $ 1,250.00 <br />Quarter 3: January 1 - March 31 $ 1,250.00 <br />Quarter 4: April 1 -June 30 $ 1,250.00 <br />$ 5,000.00 Total Grant <br />Exhibit A <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />