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REQUEST FOR <br />COUNCIL ACTION <br />CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: <br />JULY 7, 2008 <br />TITLE: <br />CONTRACT RENEWALS FOR ASPHALT <br />STREET MAINTENANCE AND ASPHALT <br />POTHOLE REPAIR <br />(SPEC. NOS. 06-101 AND 06-103) <br />CITY MANAGER <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />CLERK OF COUNCIL USE ONLY: <br />APPROVED <br />^ As Recommended <br />^ As Amended <br />^ Ordinance on 151 Reading <br />^ Ordinance on 2"d Reading <br />^ Implementing Resolution <br />^ Set Public Hearing For_ <br />CONTINUED TO <br />FILE NUMBER <br />1. Renew the contract with Hardy and Harper, Inc., for asphalt pothole <br />repairs for a one-year period in the annual amount not to exceed <br />$550,000. <br />2. Renew the contract with Hardy and Harper, Inc., for asphalt street <br />maintenance for a one-year period in the annual amount not to exceed <br />$1,780,530. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The Public Works Agency's Street Division is responsible for maintaining <br />approximately 400 miles of streets within the City of Santa Ana. In order <br />to do so, annual asphalt street maintenance and pothole repairs are <br />required. <br />Over the past several years, the City has realized good response and <br />service from the contractor as well as flexibility of service levels. As <br />needs change, the contractor has the ability to increase or decrease <br />resources without affecting City staff or other programs. Through this <br />contract the City's roadway maintenance budget has seen a reduction of 18 <br />percent in unit costs for work performed. Staff that was previously <br />assigned to roadway maintenance has been reassigned to other maintenance <br />programs such as graffiti removal, trees and roadway cleaning. <br />Services provided under the asphalt street maintenance contract include the <br />excavation and cold milling of existing roadways, the installation of <br />pavement reinforcement fabric, construction of asphalt concrete pavement, <br />and crack sealing. In addition, the contract provides for water and sewer <br />system maintenance, including trench repair and the adjustment of water <br />valve boxes and manhole frames and covers to grade. <br />22E-1 <br />