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Contract Renewals for Asphalt Street Maintenance <br />July 7, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />Services provided under the asphalt street maintenance contract include the <br />excavation and cold milling of existing roadways, the installation of <br />pavement reinforcement fabric, construction of asphalt concrete pavement, <br />and crack sealing. In addition, the contract provides for water and sewer <br />system maintenance, including trench repair and the adjustment of water <br />valve boxes and manhole frames and covers to grade. <br />Services provided under the pothole repair contract include the repair of <br />all potholes and the repair of all damaged pavement areas not exceeding 50 <br />sq. ft. in area with asphalt overlay. Since August 2006, over 1,500 tons <br />of asphalt concrete has been used to fill approximately 52,000 potholes and <br />small damaged pavement areas. Hardy & Harper, Inc. has responded in a <br />timely manner with all requests for pothole repair, trench repair and <br />street overlays. <br />On August 7, 2006, the City Council awarded contracts to Hardy and Harper, <br />Inc., a Santa Ana vendor, for a one-year period with provision for three, <br />one-year renewals for asphalt street maintenance and pothole repair. The <br />vendor has performed satisfactorily during the past contract period and has <br />agreed to renew the contracts without an increase in pricing. Staff <br />recommends the second renewal of the contract. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />Funds are available in the Public Works Road Maintenance, the Sanitary <br />Sewer Service, Water Utility Water System Maintenance, and the Roadway <br />Maintenance accounts (nos. 11-631-6291, 056-575-6291, 064-575-6291 and 29- <br />631-6291). <br />APPROVED AS TO FUNDS & ACCOUNTS: <br />Jame, G. os <br />Executive D' ector <br />Public Works Agency <br />JGR/WO/06-lOl.R2.9 & 06-103.R2.9: <br />ykFrancisco Gutierrez <br />Executive Director <br />Finance and Mgmt. Services Agency <br />22E-2 <br />