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Award Package <br />BUDGET REVISIONS: The Grantee shall follow prior approva! requirements for budget <br />revisions found in 44 CFR 13.30. Transfer of funds between total direct cost categories in the <br />approved budget shall receive the prior approval of FEMA when such cumulative transfers <br />among those direct cost categories exceed ten percent of the total budget. <br />If a Grantee estimates that it will have obligated funds remaining after the end of the <br />performance period, the Grantee must report this to the FEMA Regional Office at the earliest <br />possible time and ask for disposition instructions. <br />CLOSE OUT: <br />Reports Submission: Per 44 CFR 13.50, when the appropriate grant award performance period <br />expires, the Grantee shall submit the following documents within,90 days: (1) a final Financial <br />Status Report (FF 20-10), {2) final program performance report, (3) an inventory of equipment <br />purchased under each grant's funds, (4) an inventory of Federally-owned property, {5) other <br />required documents specified by program regulation. <br />Report Acce tp ance: FEMA shall review the Grantee reports, perform the necessary financial <br />reconciliation, negotiate necessary adjustments between the Grantee and FEMA`s records, and <br />close out the grant in writing. <br />Record Retention: Records shall be retained for 3 years (except in certain rare circumstances <br />described in 44 CFR 13.42) from the date the final financial status report is submitted to FEMA <br />in compliance with 44 CFR 13.42. <br />CONSTRUCTION PROJECT REQUIREMENTS: <br />1. Acceptance of Federal funding requires the Grantee and any Sub-grantees to <br />comply with all Federal, state and local laws prior to the start of any construction <br />activity: Failure to obtain all appropriate Federal, state and local environmental <br />permits and clearances may jeopardize Federal funding. <br />2. Any change to the approved scope of work will require re-evaluation for Grantee <br />and Sub-grantee compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act and <br />other caws and Executive Orders. <br />3. If ground disturbing activities occur during construction, the Grantee and any Sub- <br />grantees must ensure monitoring of ground disturbance and, if any potential <br />archeological resources are discovered, the Sub-grantee will immediately cease <br />construction in that area and notify the Grantee and FEMA. <br />COPYRIGHT: The Grantee is free to copyright any original work developed in the course of or <br />under the agreement. FEMA reserves aroyalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable right to <br />reproduce, publish or otherwise use, and to authorize others to use the work for Government <br />purposes. Any publication resulting from work performed under this agreement shall include an <br />acknowledgement of FEMA financial support and a statement that the publication does not <br />constitute an endorsement by FEMA or reflects FEMA views. <br />COST SHARE: The Grantee shall follow cost-sharing requirements mandated by program <br />statute or regulation and in compliance with 44 CFR 13.24. Cost-share funding shall be <br />available with the approval of each grant. Performance Period extensions shall not be approved <br />for delays caused by lack of cost-share funding. <br />ENFORCEMENT: FEMA enforcement remedies shall be processed as specified in 44 CFR <br />13:43, Enforcement when the Terms and Conditions of this Grant Award are not met. <br />EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES: The Grantee must comply with the regulations listed in 44 CFR <br />13.32, Equipment, 44 CFR 13.33 Supplies, and 44 CFR 13.36 Procurement, and must be in <br />compliance with state laws and procedures. <br />Page 4 of ? <br />hops:// do?awardPackageN>.uuber=EMF... 1 /17/2008 <br />