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Award Package <br />FUNDS TRANSFER: No transfer of funds to agencies other than those identified in the <br />approved grant agreement shall be made without prior approval of FEMA. <br />INSURANCE: 1n compliance with Public Law 103-325,.Title V National Flood Insurance Reform <br />Act of 1973, section 582 requires that any Federal assistance provided to a person for the <br />repair, replacement, or restoration for damage to any personal, residential or commercial <br />property at any time must maintain flood insurance if the property is located in a Special Flood <br />Hazard Area- <br />PAYMENT: Grantee shall be paid using the Federal Health and Human Services (HHS) <br />Payment Management System-SMARTLINK, provided Grantee maintains and complies with <br />procedures for minimizing the time between transfer of funds from the US Treasury and <br />disbursement by the Grantee and Sub-grantees. The Grantee commits itself to: 1) initiating <br />cash draw downs only when actually needed for its disbursement; 2) timely financial reporting <br />per FEMA requirements, using the SF 269 or equivalent-report; and 3) imposing the same <br />standards of timing and amount upon any secondary Grantee. <br />Sub-grantees must comply with the same payment requirement as the Grantee and must <br />comply with the requirements specified in the Grantee's Sub-grant award agreements. <br />PERFORMANCE PERIODS: <br />ProgramlProjectlSub-grant Approval and/or Awards: <br />All grant awards activities, including alp projects and/or activities approved under each sub-grant <br />award, shall be completed within the time period prescribed and authorized on the obligating <br />documents. <br />All costs must be incurred within the approved performance period or be approved pre-award <br />costs. <br />Extensions: Requests for #ime extensions to the Performance Period will be considered but will <br />not be granted automatically and must be supported by adequate justification submitted to the <br />. Regional Office in order to be processed. This justification is a written explanation of the reason <br />or reasons for the delay; an outline of remaining funds available to support the extended <br />Performance Period; and a description of performance measures necessary to complete the <br />activity. Without justification, extensions requests will not be processed. Financial and progress <br />reports must be current in order for a time extension to be considered. <br />RECOVERY OF FUNDS: The Grantee will process the recovery of assistance paid to Sub- <br />grantees processed through error, misrepresentation, or fraud or if funds are spent <br />inappropriately. Recovered funds shall be submitted to FEMA as soon as the funds are <br />collected, but no later than 90 days from the expiration date of the appropriate grant award <br />agreement. <br />All fraud ident'fiicationswlll be reported to the FEMA inspector General office. The Grantee <br />agrees to cooperate with investigation conducted by the FEMA Inspector General's office. <br />REFUND, REBATE, CREDITS: The Grantee shall transfer to FEMA the appropriate share, <br />based on the Federal support percentage, of any refund, rebate, credit or other amounts arising <br />from the performance of this agreement, along with accrued interest, if any. The Grantee shall <br />take necessary action to effect prompt collection of all monies due or which may become due <br />and to cooperate with FEMA in any claim or suit in connection with amounts due. <br />REPORTS: <br />Federal Cash Transaction Report; If the Grantee uses HHS-SMARTLINK, the Grantee sha!I <br />submit to FEMA a copy of the PMS 272 Cash Transaction Report submitted to HHS. <br />Financial Status ReporE The Grantee shall submit Financial Status Reports, Federal Form 20- <br />10, to the FEMA Regional Office 30 days after the end of each Federal quarter following the <br />Page S of 7 <br />'EMAMitigationlAwardPackages. do?awardPackag el~~umbei =EMF... I / 17/200 8 <br />