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JUL 21 Z~~ <br />~~. CMG ~ /~t-t,arlorr~ <br />~~) <br />Agreement Number:EMF-2007-PC-0004 - A <br />AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS FOR <br />FY07 PRE-DISASTER MITIGATION PROJECTS <br />BETWEEN <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />AND ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL OF ORANGE <br />THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 3`~ day of March, 2008, by and <br />between the CITY OF SANTA ANA, a municipal corporation (the "CITY,"), and <br />SAINT JOSEPH HOSPITAL OF ORANGE ("ST. JOSEPH"). <br />WITNESSETH <br />WHEREAS, CITY as an authorized applicant for FY07-Pre-Disaster <br />Mitigation ("PDM") Grant funds, acting on behalf of ST. JOSEPH, has applied for, <br />received and accepted a grant entitled "FY07 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Competitive <br />Program" from the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA"), through <br />the State of California Office of Emergency Services ("OES"), hereafter referred <br />to as "the Grant"; and <br />WHEREAS, the PDM Grant funds shall be utilized to fund seismic <br />strengthening mitigation projects planned for the Hospital's Main Building (PDM <br />07, OES #PJ06, FEMA #0003), which ST. JOSEPH has determined is a private <br />("i.e. non-public") construction work (hereinafter "said Project"); and <br />WHEREAS, FEMA awarded FY07 PDM Grants of $3,000,000, for said <br />Project ("Grant Funds") to the CITY, on behalf of ST. JOSEPH ;and <br />WHEREAS, this financial assistance is administered by the CITY and is <br />overseen by the California Office of Emergency Services (OES); and <br />WHEREAS, the CITY and ST. JOSEPH now desire to provide a method to <br />distribute FY07 PDM Grant Funds, as further detailed in this Agreement <br />("Agreement") to St. Joseph Hospital of Orange. <br />A-2008-205- <br />NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: <br />