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Orange County Conservation Corps <br />Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board <br />Request for Proposal <br />The Youth Service Provider Network <br />PY 2008/2009 <br />Santa Ana corpsmembers have: <br />• Graduated with a high school diploma from the OCCC charter school; <br />• Earned scholarships for post-secondary instruction; <br />• Transitioned to full-time employment, gone onto advanced training, and/or are <br />attending some form of post-secondary instruction; <br />• Volunteered and participated in numerous Santa Ana community events; <br />neighborhood clean-ups, Youth Expo, charity events, etc. <br />• Participated at the local and state level to represent youth; Santa Ana Youth Council, <br />CWA state conference, local and regional WIB meetings, local youth forums; <br />• Visited local legislators in Sacramento to advocate for youth. <br />The OCCC has: <br />• Hired and employed more than 500 Santa Ana youth the last 8 years; <br />• Completed numerous work projects to improve and restore several Santa Ana parks <br />portions of Santiago Creek, and the Santa Ana Zoo; <br />• Repaired more than 201ow-income homes/apartments in Santa Ana. <br />Experience <br />Briefly outline all youth programs that your agency has operated during the last 2 nears. <br />While the OCCC has previously added program components like construction training and work <br />experience and programs like Youthbuild, the OCCC has operated the same award-winning <br />youth program for the last 15 years based on state and national models for conservation and <br />youth service corps. Over the years the OCCC has developed and improved on this basic model <br />to provide a comprehensive, structured, program that provides a wide array of work <br />experiences and services that meets the needs of local Orange County youth. The program <br />model stresses the importance of education, occupational skills that lead to employment, <br />leadership development, and post-program follow-up. <br />What kind of experience do you have in incorporating parents vouch and employers into your <br />programs? <br />As mentioned earlier, since -most OCCC corpsmembers are adults and many are estranged from <br />their parents for various reasons, the OCCC does not have much experience with incorporating <br />parents into our program. Unfortunately, most parents of OCCC corpsmembers either do not <br />have the time or have the desire to be involved with the program. Nonetheless, corpsmember <br />success at the OCCC often reunites the corpsmember with their parent(s) as corpsmembers <br />become more responsible, stable, and self-sufficient adults. The OCCC does schedule events <br />throughout the year to involve family members, be it their parents, their wives/girlfriends, <br />husbands/boyfriends, and/or children to promote a sense of family and community into our <br />program. <br />Page 21 of 24 <br />