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Orange County Conservation Corps <br />Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board <br />Request for Proposal <br />The Youth Service Provider Network <br />PY 2008/2009 <br />The OCCC has over 15 years of experience running the Corps' program which, from the onset, <br />has been designed to incorporate youth. Services have been available and provided to youth <br />since 1993, and as mentioned above, include paid, on-the-job training, education through our <br />on-site charter school, and case management services to address the various and sundry <br />barriers to successful employment and education. <br />The OCCC has a long history of incorporating employers into the Corps' program. Through on- <br />going networking efforts, a dedicated Transition ("Corps-2-Career") Specialist maintains <br />relationships with employers to assist with post-Corps placement of corpsmembers in stable <br />employment. Additionally, the OCCC holds job fairs as needed to place corpsmembers who <br />have completed the program, as well as inspire the corpsmembers still enrolled in the <br />OCCC/John Muir Charter School. <br />Furthermore, local employers and their staff participate on our Board of Directors, providing <br />both feedback from a business perspective, networking opportunities, and valuable contacts <br />with industry. <br />List positions dedicated to this aroposal. <br />The OCCC currently has 36 staff and needs to employ 100 corpsmembers each day to fulfill <br />current work projects. Several staff will be involved in providing services for this project, some <br />in-kind (Teachers, Transition Specialist, Training Supervisor). Several OCCC staff are former <br />corpsmembers themselves who are valuable role models and mentors to corpsmembers. <br />Following are the staff dedicated to this project with primary responsibility for providing <br />services: <br />• Ralph Jimenez, WIA Program Specialist: AS Public Safety & AA Liberal Arts; Certified <br />Firefighter; 4 years with the OCCC. <br />• Mario Miranda, Crew Supervisor; HS Diploma/ROP Certificates, 2 years experience as <br />OCCC Crew Supervisor, former Corpsmember. <br />• George Patino, Project Coordinator: HS Diploma/ROP Certificates, 15 years experience <br />as OCCC Crew Supervisor, former Corpsmember. <br />• Maggie Lopez, Director of Corpsmember Services: BS in Human Sciences; 5 years <br />experience at the OCCC in various case management positions and grant/contract <br />administration. <br />• Max Carter, Executive Director: Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry; 16 years experience <br />in business and management; 3 years' with the OCCC as Executive Director/Board <br />member. <br />Page 22 of 24 <br />