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6. Complainants must initially file and exhaesex elAwhere the Stat hdetermines <br />procedures prior to appealing to the Stat P <br />that the LWIA grant recipient's procedures are not in compliance with the <br />State's procedures. <br />III. Procedures for Handling Complaints at the LWIA Level <br />A. Receipt of Complaints <br />Pursuant to the WlA regulations found at 20 CFRonduclt hea6irngsg and resolve <br />administrative entities have the responsibility to c <br />com taints made by individuals about the administtit' andf employers~t twh chvthe <br />P <br />"LWIA level" encompasses LWIA administrative en y <br />dministrative entity has delegated the complaint resocolnnectiocn with WIA programs <br />a <br />comprise the guidelines for resolving issues arising <br />o erated by the Santa Ana LWIA including resol sition of sancpoansttaken by the <br />P <br />actions, such as audit disallowances or the impo <br />Governor with respect to audit findings, investigations or monitoring reports. <br />Form and Filing of Complaint <br />Official filing date of the complaint is the date thWwAritE ual Employmentceived. <br />The filing of the comPlall be cons dered as aaequest for hearing and a <br />Opportunity Officer s <br />decision must be issued within 60 days. T s~o° d allso contai tithe follo'wg gn <br />must be signed and dated. The complaint <br />information: <br />a. Full name, telephone number, if any, and mailing address of the <br />complainant; <br />b. Full name, telephone number, and mailing address of the agency <br />involved (respondent); <br />c. Clear and concise statement of facts including dates constituting <br />alleged violation; <br />regulations, grant or other agreements <br />d, What provisions under the Act, <br />under the Act, are believed to have been violated; <br />e. Remedy sought by the complainant; and <br />f. If the complainant is a private or public entity or corporation, and not a <br />natural person, the filing of the complaint must be duly authorized by <br />the governing body of such entity or corporation. <br />8 <br />