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GENI';I2AL C'ONDITI()NS (I'MGEI.2-29.1.} <br />1, TIME (PMC~Fl.2 4} <br />I~imc: is of~ the ~;ssence txf this lease. liailure to camply with atzy tithe rcquixeta~ent ol'this Lease shall. <br />ccatt:;titttte ;a matc;riEtl breach al'this f~t;ase. <br />Z. 4IGN5 (PMCE2.2 N} <br />"1"ENAN"l` a~rces hat tct ccznstruct. m--aimtain, car allo`~3 any signs, harmers, flays, etc., upon the Pre:nziscs <br />eYCept as appraved by I7irectar. "I"I~N~NT fitrther agrees mat to construct. maintain, or ~tllaw billboards <br />or tzutdcaor advertising si~.;ns tzpan the Premises. Such si,~tts are pralzihited ~}n D1S'I`RIC"1" property by <br />Resolutions I°6U-'?3 and I'60-fib ofI~1S'1'RIC'T'S Board of ~upervisars. <br />Llnappraved suns, hanmc:rs, flays, etc., tray be removed by 1)ire:ctar at "I'lN:~N`l''s e~pensc without prier <br />notice to T1~N~1N"1'. <br />3. PERMITS ANi) I~IC"1NSF,~ (PIVi(x~:3.2 ti} <br />TEN1',NT shall be requires! to obtain any .znd all apl~ror~°a1s, permits andi"or licenses which may be <br />required in connection with the aperation of the Premises as sc.t aut herein.. No permit, approval, ar <br />conseztt ~;ivezz hers:undcr by I~1S'f'RI('"T, im its governmental capacity, shall affect or limit '1'ENr'1N7" <br />ol?liations hereut~dcr, nc~r shall any approvals or consents liven by I)IS1'I2IC"1°, as a party to this 1 t,ase, <br />be dectned <zpproval as to campliance ar canformancc ~+ith applicable ~o~rernmcntal ct~de:s, ia~~•s, rult;s, <br />or rc~ul~tt~ms. <br />~. C(}NTIt()I., t)li HC)L1R5, PR~C;)E<I)[RES, AND PRIC'F:S (PM(><~I.2 N} <br />11~~N<"'~N"I° shall at all. times maintain a written schedule delineating, the aperatizar hours and aperatin <br />proc:csfures f~}r each business aperation c7n ot• from the; Premises. <br />t.lpom ~vrittcn request, 7`IN~N`I° shall furbish the llirector a copy t>f~ saki schedules and prcaceslures. <br />should I~irectar, ups}n ra~riew and conference ~ti~ith ~1°1JI~i~N"1'. decide any part of'said schedules ar <br />prctceclures :is not jttsti(:it:d ~~ith rt:~ard to [airly satisfying the .needs cti'the public, "I'I.N1'~~1T, upon <br />writtetz motive from I)irectar, shall modify said schedules or praceslures to the satisfaction czf~said <br />l.~irector. <br />`]`I~Nt1NT agxees that he 4vill operate and znazlage the Services ansi facilities offered in a competent azad <br />efficient ttsatttzt:r at least ccarttparable to c~tlzer ~~~ell man~iged operations cal'similar typ. <br />'1~ENANT shall at all times rctaim at.-tivs:, qualified. cc~tnpi;tent, and experienced personnel to supervise <br />.I h,N~~N'T°' ~ operatiazi and to represent and act for "l:"l~N~~~N'~I`. <br />'1'I?N.1N°1' shall. require. its attendants and ct1>playees to lie properly' dressed, clean, cc3urteous, efficient, <br />anal. meat in appearance at all times. TI:N.-ANT shall mot employ any ps:rst~tl(s} in or about the Premises <br />~vhu shad ttst: offensive lamguage or act in a lt~ud, boisterous, ar c>tht;rwise itnprops:r matrner. <br />"I`llNryNT shall maintain a close cheek aver attendants amd employees to insure the. maimts;nance af'a <br />high standard. of service to the public. '1'I~;NAN~I` shall replace any en~playee whose conduct is <br />cfctrim~ntai to the best interests af'the public. <br />'1 I:N<~N'1''S failttre_ to comply' c~Tith the prczvisions K~f this clause shall constittttc a seric3tts breach of'tlzis <br />l.easc anti 1715'1`1ZIt`"1" nzav iznmediatcly terminaCe this I<eztse. <br />S~nt.€ Anza Rice C'tua~€a~zl tEi}1-321 X52) <br />ii[It Strec€'1'ri.~ate;[e 1"e.€si itt#;~' (JS, l.} {i$1 <br />20C-44 <br />