5. LFAS.I~; QI2G.ANII.A'TION (Pl~'iGEt+.2 ~}
<br />l'Ize various Iteadings and numbers herein, the grouping of~pror~-isions of this I:.,ease into separate c]ae~ses
<br />and paragraphs, and the organization hereof, are ftzr the purpose of convenience only rind s]zall not be
<br />considered otherwise.
<br />6. AIVIENllIl4~:1~dTS (I'1VItF:G.2 ~)
<br />°l.hs lease is the sole and only agreement be:t~veen the; parties regardi>zg the subject master hc;reof`; cztiter
<br />agreements, either oral e>r written, are void.. Any changes to this lease shall be in Lvriting and shall be
<br />pre}perly executed by both parties.
<br />7. UIVLAWIELL t!SE (I'MGE7,2 N)
<br />"l p;:~1.1NT agrees no iznproventents nor vending machines shall be erected, placed upon, operated, nc~r
<br />mai~rtaned t~fitl~in the Premises, near any business conducted rar cal-ried on therein or therefi•cam, in
<br />violation c~f`thc terns cif this l,easc, or of any regulation, order of la~v, statute, bylaw, or ordizzance ofd a
<br />governmenal agency having jriristiicton.
<br />f3. NOtillISCRIVII~f'~TIOJV' {PI4iGF:8.2 S)
<br />"1'I-;Nf~,l~"!- agrees neat to discriminate against. any person. or class ol~persons by reasc7n of'seY, age, race:,
<br />€;c>iczr, cre~~cl, physical handicap, or national origin in emp]c>yzrient practices and in the.:: activities
<br />conducted pursuant to this Lease. `! LNAN`l' shall make its acconcmodations and. serve:es available to
<br />tl~i~ public on fair ~znd reasonable. terrrzs.
<br />~. INSY~C:`I'1C)N (I'MCxE9.2 S)
<br />DIS'I'IiIC'I car its autlx3rizcd rc;presentativc shall have; tine right at all reasonable: timers to inspect the
<br />!'remises to determine fthe provisions trfthis !..ease arc being eorrzplied with.
<br />Itf. IIC)LC3 H4I21'~TLESS {PiV~~GE10.2 S)
<br />l'1~.N~N`f hereby rele;ascs and waives all claims and recourse, against DISTRICT, and County of ()range
<br />{"C()t ITv'1'Y") including the right of cc}ntribution for loss czr damage crf~ persons or propertV•, arising frcznl.
<br />gro~vizag out of or in any way connected r~~ith or related to this lease accept claims arisiazg from the
<br />concurrent active. or sole neghgezrce of UI`I I RIC"T az7d;'oz• C`tJi}hl'I'1'', their officers, agents, etnployees
<br />and contractors I°IN~N'.I' hereby agrees to izzdezmnify, defend {with counsel apprc7vc;d in writing by
<br />I:)IS"I'12IC."I'~, and hold harnalcss, I)IS~"I2lC'I' turd C()1.1N`1`Y', their ~:lectcci azzd appointed ~zfficials,
<br />of}cers, agents, ezmp]oyees talc! contractors against any and all claims, losses. tlezmands, damages, cast,
<br />expenses ar ].iahi]ity for injury to any persons or property, arising out of the operation c>r maintenaalce caf
<br />the prapere}~ de:scribed herein, and/or CI~N.~N'I°'S exercise of the rights under this leas, except for
<br />liability irrising czar ofthe concurrent. active: or sole negli~~enc;e oi' I)IS7~IZIC"I', and.!or t_'C?t_l?~i I°Y, their
<br />Elected and appointed oflcials, czfficers, agents,. empioyee;s or contractors ine;ludin~; the cast ofdefense
<br />of'any Ia~k~srut arising therefrom. If T}iS~I"RIC"f' or (:°(}I.IN"I`Y isiare: named as co-defendant{sj in a
<br />lawsuit, ~I~IiNAN'I' shall notifjr DlS"I'R!C"1' cif such fact and shall represent I)lfi'1'1ZIC'I'1('{)i ~N"!~~' irz such
<br />legal action unless DIS~I'RIC"1'tC()['1''I'Y undc:rta]ces to represent itselfltl~enmsclves as co-defendants) in
<br />such legal action, ix7 urhieh event, "!•l-?~lt1NZ` shall pay to I)1S'fRIC"I'fC'OI11v`1`4' its,~their Iitigation costs,
<br />expenses, and attorneys' fees. lf'judgz~lent is ent>`?rcel a~Taizrst I}IS~I'It1C"I''C(}[ ~N`I'~r' anal `I~I3N~~~N"I' by a
<br />cc}art of'cc?mpetent_jurisdicticzn b~causc: czf~ihe cc~zzcurrcnt active neglig~;nce cai' [)l~`I'I~1C"CIC'()t~:"~t~l ~^' and
<br />,] I~N.~N"!', I)IS'I'l~IC'I` and "1'£;N~'~N'T' agree that liabilit}° till be: appczrtione~€ as cleternlned by the co~irt.
<br />Neither parr' shall request a jzzry zipportionment.
<br />Santa Asia R ivies C'Q~aftne€ i,Ifl i -321 »2 } l l
<br />I r~h Si,ait'I'n;a~iszly 3..ca,5e tltF::V D~ 13 (:t$}
<br />20C-45
<br />