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~D-~ Efficient Irrigation <br />^ i~esi~n tirninl and applicati«n methods ref irrit;atiazt ~vatcr to tztinimi',e. the runoff of exr:c ss <br />irt•i~;atiaz i~~atcr into the starzn ~-vater dr<tinaf;e syrstr:ziz, <br />^ C:irtzup plants with similar water reciuirements in artier tt~ redzzce excts4 irrinatian rtznaff tn7d <br />prr5trutte surface filtration. Charzsr~ plants with. loan irrigation t•er;tziz•etnc~nts (frzr example, <br />n<ztive ar rlrouf;ht tolerant Species). ConsidE.r desil;tz features such as: <br />- Lrsing mulches (such as ~,voad chips ar bat•) in planter areas ~y-ithout nrotmd covt~r to <br />minimise sedimezat in runoff <br />- Installing, apprrtpriatt: plaza materials far the locrztiort, in accordance 4vith aznaunt: of <br />sunlight anti ciiznate, and tzse native plant materials where laossil3le and;`or as <br />recr>mmezaded 13y tlx€~ lazzdscal~e rarchitt;ct <br />- Leaving; a ~°t?gatzrtive l~arrir alr~n~ thr~ pralir~rtti~ lzauzirlary tznri ititeriaz• wxitc~rcaursc:s, tc3 <br />act as a pollutant filter, where apprapriate anti feasible <br />- Chraasing plants that za~izumize or eliminate the use a~f fertiliser ar pesticides to sustain <br />gra~ti-th <br />^ I1rnp1r3y other camparahIe, edually e ffective znrahads to z~educe it•rigation water rurarxff. <br />Redevetoping lxist•ing 1"nstaItativns <br />Various jurisciictionaI stornt~ti-ater managr*ment azid mitigation plans (St~S1~IP,'~'4'C~i~IP, etc.) <br />dr:fine `~redc~vr~lopmez~t" in terms of az~z_rxzzzts of ariditiatzal iznper~~ious arsza, increases in ~tr~Lss <br />floor area azul/ar exterior construction, anti land disturbin activities t~~•ith stntctural ar <br />iznperviotzs szzrfzzees. The definition ref " redevelopznezzt" must be consulted t:o de~termint: <br />wizether t}r not fihc. requirements fr,r nr:w devclapzrzezlt apply= to areas intenelerl far <br />z•edtvt:loprnent. If thc~ clc #rzition alzl~lies, the strips outlined ttzzder "desiining t~e~~• it~st:allations" <br />abav€ should be f'ctlitaive:cl. <br />Other Resources <br />i4latzual far thr: Standard Ltrbazz Starzzzwater 1~litigatian I'l~zt~ (St15:~1P}, Los <~zzfeles C;arzr~ty <br />i)epartznerit of Public ~lxarks, May zo~2. - <br />i4?aclcl Stanz3;az•ri trhtrn Strzrnz th'atr~r Mitigation flan (St~S:1~I') faz• ~+an I7iel;a Catznty, I'rart ~f <br />San Diegrt, and Cities in Szn I)iegri Cryz:zunty, February z~,~t}o~. <br />hlndel t~~"titer (~ualuty- i4lztnagenicnt flan {4YC~MY) for Count}~ rzf C)ranbn, C)rrtnl;o C~aurttt- hlcPrzd <br />Control I~}istzict, azirl the: Incr~rporated Citit:s of Oran~;c C'.aunty°, Draft I•'cbruary <<>rzr~;~. <br />G'r>z~tzzra Crzunt~-wirie Technical Gtzitlaric;t: I~ianual fcyr Starmt,~,-ater Quality Control 1~Ieastzres, <br />,Iul~• ~?rzr~2. <br />2 nt ~ Cal=farr7ia Storn3wat~r BNIi~ Har~dbnok. )enu~^f 2t~~13 <br />~evr i~eveiaPment end Redev~lcrPme~it <br />+,vivvv.C~brr'aphe ndbcnks.cnm <br />20D-37 <br />