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Trash storage Areas S[3-~2 <br />Description <br />"I`rash sttzrage areas sire areas where ~> trash receptacle (s) arc; <br />lrx•afed ttu• use. as .z relxasilory ft3r solid ~~~asles. SEorrfi~~alc~z• <br />rutzoff frcnzz areas c~~ht:re trash is stored tar disposed tzfican lre <br />laalluted. In additicz~r, base trash azrtl debris Carr lye easily <br />transptzrt.ed by kvatt;r ar «ind intcz nearby starrn draitr inlets, <br />clrxtnnels, and/or cree)ts. Waste, handling opea•atcans that ratty he <br />saurcf>s of starnnvater ptzlltitian include ~umpsters, litter c<.antral, <br />and ~ti~aste piles. <br />Approach <br />This fact sheet contains details t:zn the tipecific measures required <br />to prevent or reduce pallutants in stortrr~~~ater runaft assaciatcd <br />~~~itb trash. starage anti handling. Preventative measures <br />inclutlitrg cnclasures, tant4titarneizt structures, and imperc•iaus <br />pavezr~rcnts to rrritigatt spills, shauld he used to reduce the <br />likelihoad of cantanzirration. <br />Suitable Applications <br />Design objectives <br />~,~axs€ze In+iltrafon <br />?rovi~e Relerrl.iurr <br />Slow Runa`f <br />Pti4irtimize lmper,~ioas rand <br />Coverage <br />!'rohlbit C}+amping of 1+~praper <br />FAaterials <br />rf Cantyin Pal?uta~nts <br />Called and Convey <br />~pprapriate. applications include residential, cartrntercial and industrial areas planned far <br />deveapnrent ar redevelapmzent. (Detached residential single-family homes arc. typically <br />t~xcluded franr this requirtynreirt.) <br />Design Cansiderations <br />Desigaz retluirentents far ti4aste handling areas •~tre fa~~t.rnetl h~- I;uilding atxl Piro. Ct>des, arrd h~- <br />eurre~nt lac;al agent;y ordinances and caning regttirenrents. The. design criteria dest;z-ihetl in this <br />fact sheet arc vacant to enhance and he cansistent tvitlr th~vsc coder. and ardnance. retltzircntents. <br />Harardaus waste should tre brindled in accardancc ~ti~ith legal rcctuirt:arrtt~zts ostttblished in `t'itle <br />z~, >4'alifarnia Cade of kegulat%an. <br />Wastes franc t;ammcreial rrnd industrial sites are tz~aically- hauIt:ti lay either ptilalac t>r camnrercial <br />carriers that Wray have design car access regtrirerrrents far ~vastc storage areas. The dt:sign <br />criteria in this fat:t shc.ct are recatncnendations and ai°e nr~t intended to he in conflict ~~~ith <br />r•etluirezrrents cstablislred lay th4 waste hauler, The ~4~aste hauler shauld he ccnrtacted prior to the <br />desi;~rr of your site trarslr eallectian areas. CoaZflicts ar issues shauld 1>t: discussed i~'ith the: local <br />agency. <br />Desi~nin~ i'tietu Installations <br />Trash storage areas should lye designed to consider thtr folla~ving structural car treatment cantraf <br />Sh1Ps: <br />^ L`~esign trcrslz container areas sa that draintil;c; frtztn adjoining r•aaf~5 and pa~-t_ine.ztt is diverted <br />around the ~area(s~'ta avoid run-can. This Wright iirclutic herininF; <br />or graditrl; the G~°aste handling area to prc~vc°nt run-on crt <br />sarm~ti~atc.r. <br />California <br />^ >4'Iake sure trash container areas arc screened ar c~•alltxl to stormwater <br />prevent off site transport of trash. Cluxlixy <br />ASSOCidttOtl <br />?anuary ~rJD3 California 5torettwater ~Mu Handbook i of <br />New Defieropmeeat anci Rerleve+oprnent <br />wrrw. cab€n~har~t?t.>ooks.c3~r <br />20D-38 <br />