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SD-3~ Trash Storage ~-reaS <br />^ t."5e 1inEd Iains err tfurni~sters to rrcl~tcc 1€~rking of liquid ~w~aste. <br />^ Pro1°idc rczofs, awnings, or attacized lids orr all tr-aslr containers to rZrinirnire clirc,ct <br />l~reeipitretic>n and pre~~ent rainfall from entering containers. <br />^ Pa1•e tr•aslr stc~rrzge areas with an im~ervicrtrs suri'acc to mitigate spills. <br />^ I)o not locate storm drains in immediate vicinity of the trash storage; area. <br />^ l'~>st sii;ns ern ail infczrrning t~scrs drat hazardous rnatcrials arc Wert to be disp;zsed <br />of therein. <br />1Zedevetoping Existing Instultat7ons <br />~'rrriorrs.jurisdictional starmwater n~rinagemcnt rind mitigation. pans (SL'S1~IP, V1'C.~MI', etc.) <br />define "redevelopment" in terms of amounts of additonKrl impcr~-ions area, increases in zrc~ss <br />ilrrcrz• area rrndor exterior corrstrrrction, and land disturhin~, acti~~itics with structural or <br />impcrc~ious surfaces. 1`he de~I`inition od"° redevelopment" must k~e consulted ~to determine <br />whether or raot the rcgrrirements for nc~~~ deti~elopment apply to area:; inteneled for <br />redevelopment. If the definition applies, the steps outlined under "designing rae~~• irrstrrllatirins„ <br />al7ovr shotzkl lac fcillowed. <br />Add itianal In#arrnatian <br />Illaintenance Considerations <br />'I"ne integrity; c~fstructurai elera7ents that arc sub~}ect to damage (i.e., screens, coE•ers, and sins) <br />rrfust'r~e maintained b~~ the, otitiner~`operator. ~laintenar~ce zrgrcements hcto~'een the. Icxczzl anerrcy <br />rrncl the ca~~•nerjoperator nzay lae reclriir~ed. Saz~~e agencies will re:tluire nYaintenance de€:d <br />r•estrictivz~s to lie recorded of the property title.. If recltrircd Ir~• tlrc local agency, maintenance <br />agrecr~rents <zr decd restrictions must be e:cecuted by the o~vrier/aperator before improve meat <br />plans are <rpprovc3d. <br />tither Resources <br />>L ~Ianrzal foz• the Standard Urban Stormwater 111itigatior~ Plan (SUSMP), Los Angeles Cotzz.ty <br />Dcprzrtmc;nt of Puh]ir L1forl-;r, ~'[ay 2(702. <br />L1odcl Staridarcl Ur•17arr Staz•m L1'atc~r i~'Iitigation Plan (SUS~~IP) fcrr San Diego Cczunty. Part r7f <br />Szrrr Diego, r~rzd Cities irr Sari I7icgo Count}-, Fel7r•uary i~}, 2U(7'~. <br />:Model L1'ates t~trrrlit~-;L~anagcmerrt Plan (Lb~'Q14II') for tolrnty of C)rar~ge, (Jran~;e Corznty i*load <br />C€~r~trrrl District, :znd the Incc7rpc>rated Cities oi' Grange County, C7raft February~oc7~3. <br />'4'cntura Courrt~~vide Tcchnieal Guidance 14lanual fc~r Storrnv,~atc=.r Qurzlit_~~ Control ~Ieasure~s, <br /><Itrly 2002. <br />~ o't ~ ~ali~orrEia 5t©rmw~fier LMP Nar~dbc~~k sanu~r*,o ~Ow <br />Jew D~~ve?I~~,me~, arrd Rerlev~~c3prn~n} <br />~*~~w.~abrn~har7~Fso€~ks.csm <br />20D-39 <br />