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C;iF;1V1~:IZ~.L C"C)NI)I'I'IC)1VS (PMC:EI.2-29.1.) <br />1. TIME {PMCEI.2 S) <br />'1•inze i5 ol'the cssenee old this .I.;case. Fslilure tc~ c:omply with. any tilaxe. regtziremclxt c~#'tlxi.a I,easc shall <br />ctzlzstitztte cl material breach o1'this l.~:ase, <br />2. SIGNS (I'MCsE2.2 ~`') <br />.I :N,f~N'I' agrees ntzt to canstruct, maintain, or allativ any sigtxs, banners, flags, etc., upan the <br />1'remise;s except as approved by .1:)ircctar. 'I'I~NANT further agrees lxat to canstruct, txxaintan, ar <br />alla~v billboards or outdoar advertising signs upcxn tlxe I'rclnises. Such signs are prahibited an <br />t)IS'I'RIC"I' property b}; Resc>Iuticzns I~`(~0-? ~ and I'6{)-fi> Ott` 17IS 1 R:1{"1"S I3c~ard a1~ Supervisors. <br />t_lnappraved signs, kzGuzners, hags, otc., nay b~ renxovecl b}~ [)ir~:ctar at '1°1:N.!~l~'1"}i expense v4ithout <br />prior notice to TE'~I.~NT. <br />3. PERMITS ~.Ni) IaIC,E1VSES (P:1vItsE3.2 S) <br />"1`ENAN'I` s1xall be required to obtain. Glny atxd alt approvals, permits andfczr licelxses which ma}~ be <br />rewired in cannectan ~vsith the operation cif the 13renxises as set out hereitx. Na pernxit, approval, ar <br />cotzsent gi~~cn Ix;reunder by UISTRIC"I`, ilz its governmental capacity, shall affect or limit <br />.1"lu-I~t~N`1"S obligations hereunder, nor shall an~~ approvals or consents ~:;iven by I)IS"I~R.IC°.1.. as a <br />paz•ty to this Lease, be deemed approval as to caznpliance ar Luniormtuxce 7n°itlz ~tpplicah3 <br />govemnzeaztal caries. laws, rules. ar regulaticxax5, <br />. I.E~ASF~ C)RGt~ VZATIC)1v (PMC;E5.2 S) <br />"I`he ~°ariaus headitxgs and nulxxbcrs herein, the grc~upilxg af'prav~isions ot`this Lease into separate <br />clause::; anc! paragraphs, and the. exrg~xniatcxn hereof;. are: for the purpose of canveniclace alzly Gina <br />shalt not be considered otherwise. <br />~. ~'1?IEiVDME1ITS (PMGEfi.2 S) <br />"l"his is the sole and agrccnzent betwcelx the. p4u'ties regtu•ding the subject matter here:af; <br />athe;r agreetxxent5, either oral ar written, are void. ~~lx}~ changes to this Lease shall lie in writing ~lnd <br />shall =xe properly execufc;d by bath parties. <br />6. t?i~tLA~'FtiL, L`SE (PitiiCGE7.2 PvT) <br />'1'I N,~1,N"I~ ztgrees ncz iznpravetnexxts nor vendilxg machines slxall b% erected, placed ltpon. operated, <br />nor nzaitztaned within the Premises, nnr an}~° business conducted or carried on therein ar tlxc;refranl< <br />in violation af~tlxe terms ol'this 1_,ease, ar c}:fan.}° regltlatian, ardor of la«. statute, bylaw, ar c:,rdinance <br />cxf a governmental a~elxc}r having jurisdiction. <br />'3. NOVI)ISCRIVI11~`f1.TION (P~ICUE8.2 S) <br />"l'l N ~N'I' agrees not to discriminate against any person ar class afpersans b}~ reascala of sLx. age., <br />rack, color, creed, physical handicap, or natuzlxal ongux 111 enxplay°nxent practices 4znd in the. activities <br />conducted pursuant to this I,easc. 'I`I?l`*1~1NT" shall make its accammodatiazzs 4tnd scr~ ices available <br />to the public on fair and. reasonable terms. <br />Sanl<..~t~i~ River t'ia~rnr~z! i}=ttt-ft IS? t l <br />I :citta Turk i,c~ts i Rl: L' I i). `y.t3 $ ) <br />20D-45 <br />