s. III~~>l~l~1c'li~><c~ir ~>l~mG>~~.z s~
<br />I~ISTRIC;T €tr its authorized represerltativc sltall have the right at all roasor~ablo tirnc;s to itlspect the
<br />I'ren~rises to detenlline l'ihe provisions of this lease arc being complied ~~°ith.
<br />cl. Ht~LD IitARfl~ILESS {PIVIGF 1.0.2 S)
<br />~l'ENf`~NT hereby releases and wait°es all claims and recourse against l.)I~"I"IZ}C''i', and C:'ounty of
<br />fJran~~e (`,C'OL~IT4"'} includin~~ the right cif contribution For li~ss or dan~ag~; of persc~rts or proper-ty,
<br />arising; from, grot~-it~g out of err in an}` w°a} connetited tt°ith or related to this I,oase: except claims
<br />arising from the concurront actin; car sole negligence. ofDIS`TKIGT and%or t;()I~NTY, their officers,
<br />agents, emp}ogees and contractors. '1'F;Nr~.N"1' heroby agrc;os to indenrni Fy, defend (with. counsel
<br />itpproved u~ writing by DISTRIC"'1'j, at~d hold 1~alloss, UIS"l'KI~"I` and C()t!N 1'~', their ~:l~:ctccl and
<br />appointed crflicials, officors, agents, emplo}-ees and contractors against arty and all claims, losse:~,
<br />demands, dtu77ages, arst, expenses or liability for injury tc~ an}~ pe;rsons or property, aristag out of the
<br />operation or rnairttenance of the prapcrtl~ described ~licrcin, and/or 'I~l'~~N'1°'S oxercise of the rights
<br />under this l.easo, except l~rr liability arising cntt crf the ccrncttrrcnt actioo <rr solo net;ligor~ce of
<br />Dl~'I'1~IC'"F, and/or C;()l,N`I_Y, their elected and appointed ofCcials, oFlieers, agents, employees car
<br />contractors including the cost of defense ol'any lawsrtit arising therefrom. If I?I~"I~IZ.IC:".I' or
<br />C;()tJN'I`Y islaro nartlod as co-defendant(s) in a lawsuit. I'IN!~NT shall notify l)IS'I`lZ1C'"I' of scrclZ
<br />Fact and shall represent I7lS'1"RICT'1COt?NTY in such legal action unless I~IS'1'IZ.IC'"I°,`t'i.)I.1N"I~~
<br />undertakes to rcprosent itselt;`t13en1selves as co-doFet~dantf.s) in such legal action., in ~tlrich etiJcnt,
<br />"1'I;NAN~I' shall pay to I315"I'IZIC'"I"fC~l?'~I'I-~' its!thcir litigation costs, c,~penses, anti attorne;}-s' fees. II'
<br />:judgment is enterod against I)IS"I~IZIC'`I"1(;()IJN'1'1r' and 'l"1::N11NT' h_y a court crf~ conlpetez~t
<br />.jctrisdiction becauso oFtlre concurrent active noglig;nce ol`DIS`l"12IC;~I`i`C;t~Iv~N"l'Y and I~INAN"I~,
<br />DISTRICT and T11N.~NT agroe that liability trill be: apportioned as determined ht- the court. Neither
<br />part}' shall roduest a jur)- apportionment.
<br />1'l::'~lt`~N I" rekriow°led<.zos that it is familiar with the langua~Te aztd previsions of C"alif~rrnia Civil C.`ode
<br />Section I j~'7 tvhc;l~ prat~ides as I'cjllotvs: ~,
<br />.~l ~c~neral rt~~ecrsc~ t~oe,~ nr:~t exte>3ficl to chrir22s ~i~hich the c°rc>~iter~- r~c~es 2xc~t kr2e~ir~ or .c2.rsj~eca to
<br />Lxtst 221 ,~215'~21'e~2' Ctt t~28 ,t2I1'2L' iI~ C":Cf'Clll't/TS,~ tj?E' f G-'~E'(d,SE', 11?~21G"~2, 1~ ~'1'2OtiJT2 ,l~ti~ 12tifi1, /2Z21S7 ><'lCil%8
<br />rracrtE~rictllt' ctff€~c•tt~cll2is .S~tjttl~r27c~rtt rt=ith tlr~ c~ehtr~r.
<br />"l NN.1N"I', being ate=are c~i;cold understanding the terms of 4ection 1 ~~''. hereby ~t•aives all bencfiit of
<br />its provisions to the extent described in this paragraph..
<br />1.0. Tf1XES r~itil) ~SS11;5SIVIEN"CS (I'MC~[1.1.2 ~;)
<br />"phis l.easc nlay croate a possessory interest which is subjoer to rho payment of taxes levied ern such
<br />interest. [t is undorstoocl and ag~roed that all taxes and. assessmor~ts (itcluding here nat lit~titeci to said
<br />possessory interest tax} which become due and payable uperzt the 1'rcmise~s or upon tixturc:s,
<br />oyctipmerit, e>r other property installed err constructed therc,on, shall be the full. responsibility al`
<br />TENr1NT, and Tla1~~11,NT shall cause said ta,~es anal asscssnlcnt5 ter be paid prcrn~ptly.
<br />I1. St?CC:ESSC)RS IN 1NTL12)~~~T {PMC;>N 12.2 5}
<br />tnloss oth!er-wisc providod in t13is Lease, the terms, cot°onants, and conditions containr:d herein shall
<br />apple to and bind the heirs, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns of all the parties
<br />hereto, all oftvhon~ shall be.jointly and soverally liablo hercttndor.
<br />4~nt~ 1r.attirese`taarsnclfl~{~1-1:7;;11 rl
<br />rcla~ t €°aek L.~ 3sr (T~~V 1 t) "9,t78)
<br />20D-46
<br />