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NS-2786 - Approving an Amendment to Development Agreement Between City of Santa Ana Grand Plan 2, LLC
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NS-2786 - Approving an Amendment to Development Agreement Between City of Santa Ana Grand Plan 2, LLC
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THIRD AMENDMENT TO <br />DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, and <br />THE GRAND PLAN 2, LLC <br />This THIRD AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Third Amendment") is <br />entered into between THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, a charter city and municipal <br />corporation duly authorized under the Constitution and laws of the State of California <br />("City"), and THE GRAND PLAN 2, LLC, a California limited liability company ("GP2"). <br />1. Reference to Facts. This Third Amendment is entered into with reference <br />to the following facts: <br />1.1 Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning set <br />forth in the Development Agreement. <br />1.2 The Grand Plan 1, LLC, a California limited liability company <br />("GP1") and The Grand Plan 2, LLC, a California limited liability company ("GP2"), on <br />the one hand, and City, on the other hand, entered into that certain Development <br />Agreement dated August 4, 2005 and recorded in the Orange County Official Records <br />on July 21, 2005 as Instrument No. 2005000565108 (as amended, the "Development <br />Agreement") pursuant to which, among other things, Owner (as defined in the <br />Development Agreement) was granted the vested right to develop a mixed use Project <br />with residential condominiums and office/commercial/retail uses, as more particularly <br />described therein. GP2's current rights and obligations under the Development <br />Agreement include the Condo/Office Project and Retail Project Elements of the <br />Project, which are the subject of this Third Amendment. <br />1.3 A First Amendment to the Development Agreement by and <br />between the City, GP2, NDC Skyline Associates, LLC and Integral Communities I, Inc. <br />(the latter two being assignees of GP1 and GP2 as applicable) was executed on or <br />about July 7, 2008 and recorded in the Orange County Official Records on July 22, <br />2005 as Instrument No. 2008000349227. Simultaneous with its consideration of this <br />Third Amendment, the City Council of the City of Santa Ana is considering a proposed <br />Second Amendment to the Development Agreement, which is concerned solely with <br />consideration of separate requests for the City to approve rental use (as opposed to <br />for-sale condominiums) of the Lake Tower Element and Integral Project Element of <br />the Project. <br />1.4 The original Development Agreement and Entitlements (i) <br />described the Condo/Office Project Element of the Project as consisting of a six (6) <br />story tower consisting of fifteen (15) for-sale residential units on four (4) floors and <br />approximately ten thousand (10,000) square feet of office use on two (2) floors, and <br />(ii) described the Retail Project Element of the Project as consisting of approximately <br />thirteen thousand eight hundred seventy-one (13,871) square feet of commercial <br />space, including approximately eight thousand five hundred eighty (8,580) square feet <br />Ordinance NS-2786 <br />Page 5 of 10 <br />
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