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NS-2786 - Approving an Amendment to Development Agreement Between City of Santa Ana Grand Plan 2, LLC
2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)
2009 (NS-2779 - NS-2802)
NS-2786 - Approving an Amendment to Development Agreement Between City of Santa Ana Grand Plan 2, LLC
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Last modified
1/3/2012 1:00:12 PM
Creation date
6/9/2009 7:42:19 AM
City Clerk
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of restaurant and approximately five thousand two hundred ninety (5,290) square feet <br />of retail. <br />1.5 In lieu of the Condo/Office Project and Retail Project, which <br />Elements are no longer part of the Project, GP2 seeks approval of a Hotel Project. <br />For purposes of this Third Amendment, the "Hotel Project" shall consist of a new 185 <br />room, 100,000 square foot, four-story (approximately 57.3 feet above grade) hotel to <br />be located on the corner of MacArthur Place and MacArthur Boulevard served by 133 <br />surface parking spaces, and GP2's right to park in the parking structure located on <br />Orange County Assessor's Parcel No. 411-081-22 (also known as the Teacher's <br />parking structure) during certain specified hours of the week. <br />1.6 Approval of the Hotel Project will result in the need to relocate the <br />Cinema Tower, which is also owned and developed by GP2. The City and GP2 agree <br />and acknowledge that development of the Cinema Tower will require GP2 to submit a <br />new application to the City for site plan review for the proposed new location of the <br />Cinema Tower, which must be reviewed and approved by the City's Planning <br />Commission. <br />1.7 In connection with the foregoing, GP2 and the City now desire to <br />amend the Development Agreement to provide GP2 with approval of the Hotel Project <br />subject to the terms and conditions of the Development Agreement, as amended. <br />2. Hotel Proiect. GP2 and the City hereby acknowledge and agree that GP2 <br />has the right under this Third Amendment to construct and operate the Hotel Project, as <br />hereinafter defined. <br />3. Modification of Certain Provisions. The Development Agreement is <br />hereby amended and supplemented in the following particulars: <br />3.1 Section 1.1(1). The phrase "office/commercial/retail uses" <br />appearing in Section 1.1(1) of the Development Agreement is hereby amended and <br />restated to read as "hotel uses with ancillary retail/restaurant uses." <br />3.2 Section 2.13. The entire section is deleted and replaced with the <br />word "Reserved." <br />3.3 Section 2.23. The entire section is deleted and replaced with the <br />word "Reserved." <br />3.4 Section 2.25A. Anew section is added between Section 2.25 <br />and 2.26 to read as follows: <br />"'Hotel Project' is defined in Section 2.43." <br />3.5 Section 2.21. This section is hereby supplemented by adding the <br />following after the first sentence appearing therein: 'The Project also includes a new <br />185 room, approximately 100,097 square foot, four-story (approximately 57.3 feet above <br />Ordinance NS-2786 <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />
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