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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />A-3. Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? <br />Less Than Significant Impact <br />Soil liquefaction occurs when loose soil deposits below the water table are subject to large ground <br />accelerations generated from seismic events. According to the City's General Plan Land Use Element <br />EIR, the project site is located in an area that is characterized with high to medium liquefaction hazard <br />potential. To minimize potential liquefaction impacts, the proposed project would be subject to Seismic <br />Shaking Standards of the 2007 California Standards Building Code. Additionally, a soils and geotechnical <br />report is required as part of the plan check review for all new construction. Compliance with the <br />recommendations of the report, including, but not limited to, measures associated with the site <br />preparation, fill placement and compaction, temporary and permanent dewatering, groundwater, soil <br />improvements techniques, seismic design features, excavation stability, soil stabilization, pavements, <br />surface draining, cement type and corrosion measures, erosion control, shoring and internal bracing and <br />plan review are required. Compliance with the Building Code would reduce potential liquefaction impacts <br />to a level considered less than significant. <br />A-4. Inundation by seiche, tsunami or mudflow? <br />A-5 Landslides? <br />A-6 Flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? <br />A-7 Wildland fires, including where wildfires are adjacent to urbanized areas and where <br />residences are intermixed with wildland? <br />No Impact <br />The project site is flat without any topographical relief. According to the City's General Plan, there are no <br />landslide planes on the project site. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project would not result in <br />adverse impacts in regards to landslides. Additionally, the proposed project would not expose people to a <br />significant risk of loss, injury, or death involving inundation by a tsunami, seiche or mudflow. Impacts by <br />tsunami are associated with proximity to the ocean. The project site is located approximately 11 miles <br />from the Pacific Ocean, which is a sufficient distance to protect the site from such impacts. The closest <br />enclosed bodies of water that could result in an earthquake induced seiche are the Prado Dam located 16 <br />miles northeast of the project site near the City of Corona, and the Santiago Dam located approximately <br />10 miles east of the project site in Silverado. The Santa Ana River Main Stem Project has implemented <br />flood control improvements to both the Prado Dam and Lower Santa Ana River which has reduced the <br />risk of inundation in the event of a seiche in Prado Dam. Therefore, there would be no impact to the <br />project site as a result of overflow caused by seiche. The project site located on a parcel with limited <br />topographical relief. The project site is not located downhill from any slope of sufficient size to cause <br />mudflows. Finally, there are no wildlands in the immediate vicinity of the proposed project site. <br />Consequently, development of the proposed project would not result in the exposure of people or <br />structures to hazards associated with wildland fires. Therefore, no impact would occur. <br />B. Would the project result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? <br />Less than Significant Impact <br />Erosion refers to the removal of soil from exposed bedrock surfaces by water or wind. The effects of <br />erosion are intensified with an increase in slope, the narrowing of runoff channels and by the removal of <br />groundcover, which leaves the soil exposed. Construction operations for the proposed project would <br />require excavation of onsite soils. The uncovered soils on the project site could potentially result in <br />erosion and sedimentation impacts to onsite and offsite drainage facilities absent appropriate measures <br />31 A-42 <br />