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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />to limit topsoil losses. All new developments in the City of Santa Ana, including the proposed project, are <br />required to prepare a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) post-construction storm <br />water management plan in accordance the Orange County Drainage Area Management Plan (DAMP) <br />and the city of Santa Ana Local Implementation Plan (LIP) that must include all applicable post <br />construction BMPs for this project. In addition, to the implementation and maintenance of post- <br />construction Best Management Practices (BMPs), erosion would also be controlled by the landscaping <br />proposed for all remaining pervious areas of the project as proposed by the applicant. Compliance with <br />existing State, regional and local regulations, NPDES permit requirements and implementation of <br />SWPPP-specified project-specific BMPs, together with the installation landscape in the post construction <br />phase and on-going maintenance and monitoring of construction and subsequent post-construction BMPs <br />would ensure that the project impacts with respect to topsoil loss and erosion would be less-than- <br />significant. <br />C. Would the project result in the loss of a unique geological feature? <br />No Impact <br />According to the City's General Plan Land Use Element EIR the project site does not contain any unique <br />geologic features. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project would not result in adverse impacts <br />to any unique geologic feature. <br />D. Is the project located on strata or soil that is unstable or that would become unstable as a <br />result of the project and potentially result in on-or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, <br />subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? <br />E. Is the project located on expansive soils creating substantial risks to life and property? <br />Less Than Significant Impact <br />According the City's General Plan Land Use Element EIR, the project site is located on soils that have <br />low shrink /swell potential, high corrosion potential to uncoated steel and low corrosion potential to <br />concrete. The soil conditions on the project site would not provide a constraint that would prevent the <br />development of the proposed project. As part of the City's development review process a geotechnical <br />study is required to be prepared to identify geotechnical design recommendations to ensure the long-term <br />geotechnical stability of the project site as well as the recommendations for site preparation, foundations <br />and overall structural design specific to this project. The report will address the issues of liquefaction, <br />differential settlement, and soils sampling and testing for expansive soils as they apply to the current <br />project and provide recommendations for foundation design which will address any stability or expansive <br />soils issues. Compliance with all the recommendations contained in the report, and compliance with <br />Chapter 33 of the 2007 CBC, project impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level. <br />F. Where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater is the soil capable of <br />supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems? <br />No Impact <br />The City of Santa Ana will provide sanitary sewer services to the proposed project. Accordingly, the <br />project will not use septic tanks or alternative wastewater systems to dispose of wastewater and no <br />impact would occur. <br />31 A-43 <br />