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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />XI. Noise <br />A. Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in <br />local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies. <br />D. A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity <br />above levels existing without project. <br />Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated <br />The project site is subject to noise standards and guidelines in the General Plan Noise Element and <br />Municipal Code Noise Ordinance. The primary purpose of the City of Santa Ana Noise Element is to <br />"Prevent significant increases in noise levels in the community and minimize the adverse effects of <br />currently-existing noise sources." In accordance with the Noise Element, the City has adopted noise <br />standards and guidelines for land use planning. These guidelines for exterior noise levels are presented <br />in Table N-1. <br />Table N-1 <br />ci of Santa Ana Land Use Gu idelines For Exterior Noise <br />Land Use Noise Level dBA CNEL or Ldn <br /> Desirable Maximum Maximum Acce table <br />Low Densit Residential 55 65 <br />Medium Densit Residential 60 65 <br />Hi h Densit Residential 65 70 <br />Schools 60 70 <br />Commercial, Office 65 75 <br />Industrial 7p 75 <br />A significant noise impact would occur if a proposed land uses does not comply with the General Plan <br />noise standards identified in Table N-1, or when a proposed land use results in an 3dB increase to <br />existing noise levels when the existing noise level is at least 65 dB CNEL. The operation of the proposed <br />project would not significantly increase noise levels within the project site. A significant increase in noise <br />would be a 3d6 increase over existing noise levels. Typically, a 3db increase in noise levels occurs when <br />existing traffic volumes are doubled. The proposed project would not double existing traffic volumes <br />within the project area. Therefore, implementation of the proposed project would not result in a 3db <br />increase to existing noise levels within the project area. <br />Implementation of the proposed project would result in short-term construction related noise impacts. <br />Short-term noise impacts would result from site preparation, excavation, grading, and other construction <br />operations. The construction-related short-term noise levels would be higher than the existing or ambient <br />noise levels in the project area today, but would no longer occur once construction of the project is <br />complete. <br />The Municipal Code recognizes that some forms of noise are required for urban development and <br />maintenance and are difficult to control. Section 18-314(e) exempts noise sources associated with <br />construction, repair, remodeling, or grading of any real property, but establishes certain requirements to <br />reduce the temporary impacts of construction noise. These include limiting the construction activity, <br />including all warming up and repair of construction equipment within the project site so that they do not <br />take place between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. on weekdays, including Saturday, or any time <br />on Sunday or a federal holiday. To further reduce potential noise impacts on adjacent residences, the <br />following project requirements and mitigation measures shall be implemented as part of the proposed <br />project: <br />31 A-47 <br />