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31A - CUP 2009-11 - 2000 N FAIRVIEW STREET
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City Council (2004 - Present)
31A - CUP 2009-11 - 2000 N FAIRVIEW STREET
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1/3/2012 4:17:35 PM
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7/28/2009 10:45:06 AM
City Clerk
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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />MM NOI-1 The Applicant shall require by contract specifications that the following construction best <br />management practices (BMPs) be implemented by contractors to reduce construction <br />noise levels: <br />- Notification shall be mailed to owners and occupants of all developed land uses <br />immediately bordering or directly across the street from the project site area <br />providing a schedule for major construction activities that will occur through the <br />duration of the construction period. In addition, the notification will include the <br />identification and contact number for a community liaison and designated <br />construction manager that would be available on site to monitor construction <br />activities. The construction manager will be located at the on-site construction <br />office during construction hours for the duration of all construction activities. <br />Contract information for the community liaison and construction manager will be <br />located at the construction office, City Hall, and the police department. <br />- Ensure that construction equipment is properly muffled according to industry <br />standards. <br />- Place noise-generating construction equipment and locate construction staging <br />areas away from the adjacent residential uses. <br />- Implement noise attenuation measures to the extent feasible, which may include, <br />but are not limited to, noise barriers or noise blankets. <br />MM NOI-2 The Applicant shall require by contract specifications that construction staging areas, <br />along with the operation of earthmoving equipment within the project site, are located as <br />far away from vibration- and noise-sensitive sites as possible. Contract specifications <br />shall be included in the proposed project construction documents, which shall be <br />reviewed and approved by the City. <br />MM NOI-3 The Applicant shall require by contract specification that construction activities generating <br />the loudest noise levels (e.g. site grading) shall not occur prior to 9:00 a.M. or after <br />5:00 P.nn. Monday through Friday. Further, such activities shall be prohibited on <br />Saturdays, Sundays and federal holidays. <br />MM NOI-4 The Applicant shall require by contract specifications that no delivery of materials or <br />maintenance of equipment shall occur at the project site after 6:00 P.nn. on weekdays and <br />Saturdays, before 7:00 a.M. on weekdays and Saturdays, and at no time on Sundays. <br />Pursuant to mitigation measure MM NOI-1, the implementation of noise attenuation measures may <br />include the use of noise barriers (e.g., sound walls) or noise blankets. As a general rule, a sound wall is <br />able to reduce noise by 5 dBA. In addition, mitigation measure MM NOI-2 requires location of <br />construction staging areas and earthmoving equipment as far away from noise and vibration-sensitive <br />land uses as possible to reduce construction-related noise levels. Additionally, implementation of <br />MM NOI-3 would require that the construction contractor limit the loudest construction activities to occur <br />between the hours of 9:00 A.nn. and 5:00 P.nn. to reduce construction noise during times when sensitive <br />receptors would be most sensitive to elevated noise levels. <br />Implementation of MM NOI-1, MM NOI-2, MM NOI-3, and MM NOI-4 would ensure compliance with the <br />City's Noise Ordinance for construction activity and reduce, to the extent feasible, impacts associated <br />with construction activities resulting from implementation of the proposed project to aless-than-significant <br />level. <br />31 A-48 <br />
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