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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />XIII. Public Services <br />Fire Protection: Less than Significant Impact <br />The City of Santa Ana Fire Department will provide fire protection and emergency services to the project <br />site. The City maintains ten fire stations throughout the City. The stations are situated where no location <br />in the City is outside of an approximate 1.5 radius of a fire station. Additionally, the City maintains a <br />Mutual Aid Agreement for fire protection services with the neighboring Cities of Fountain Valley, Garden <br />Grove, Tustin, Irvine and Costa Mesa. According to the City of Santa Ana Insurance Service <br />Organization, the City has a low fire risk rating. <br />According to the Santa Ana Fire Department, implementation of the proposed project would not increase <br />the demand for fire protection services over current levels of demand within the project area and that <br />under existing levels of manpower and equipment the Fire Department would be able to provide an <br />adequate level of service. <br />Police Protection: Less than Significant Impact <br />The Santa Ana Police Department would provide police protection services for the proposed project. <br />Implementation of the proposed project would not significantly increase the demand for police protection <br />services. The Police Department has under existing levels of manpower and equipment; they would have <br />the ability to provide adequate police protection services for the proposed project. Through the City's <br />development review process, the Police Department has reviewed the proposed project for adequate <br />police protection facilities and services. Compliance with Police Department's requirements would reduce <br />potential police protection impacts to a level considered less than significant. <br />Schools, Parks and Other facilities: No Impact <br />The proposed project involves the construction of church buildings. Implementation of the proposed <br />project would not generate demand for additional school services above the current conditions, No <br />adverse impacts to schools or other public services would occur. Additionally, the implementation of the <br />proposed project would not increase demands for existing recreation facilities or generate the demand for <br />additional recreation facilities. <br />XIV. Recreation <br />A. Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other <br />recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would <br />occur or be accelerated? <br />B. Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of <br />recreational facilities, which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment. <br />No Impact <br />The proposed project is the construction of additional buildings on a church campus. Implementation of <br />the proposed project would not generate additional demands on existing recreation facilities or require the <br />construction of new recreation facilities. No adverse impacts to recreation services and facilities would <br />occur. The church will be constructing a new multi-use gymnasium that may be available for use by the <br />surrounding community. <br />31 A-50 <br />