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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />B. Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne <br />noise levels. <br />C. A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above <br />levels existing without the project. <br />Less than Significant Impact <br />The construction of the proposed project would involve conventional construction equipment that <br />generates vibration velocity not generally exceeding the threshold of perception resulting in less than <br />significant ground borne vibration impacts. During operation of the proposed project, background <br />operational vibration levels would be expected to average around 50 VdB, which is typical of an urban <br />environment. This is substantially less than the FTA's vibration impact threshold of 85 Vd6 for human <br />annoyance. Groundborne vibration resulting from operation of the proposed project would primarily be <br />generated by automobiles entering and leaving the site, occasional truck deliveries, and trash removal. <br />No substantial sources of groundborne vibration would be included in the design of the proposed project. <br />Therefore, operation of the proposed project would not expose sensitive receptors on-site or off-site to <br />excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels. Aless-than-significant impact would occur. <br />E. For a project located within an airport land use plan or where such a plan has not been <br />adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project <br />expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? <br />F. For a project located within the vicinity of an airstrip, would the project expose people <br />residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? <br />No impact <br />There are no private or public airports in the City of Santa Ana; however, John Wayne International <br />Airport is located one-mile southwest of city limits. The proposed project is not located within atwo-mile <br />radius of the airport or airstrip. According to the Santa Ana General Plan Environmental Impact Report, <br />no area of the City of Santa Ana is within the noise impact area or 65 CNEL of John Wayne International <br />Airport. Therefore, people residing or working in the project area will not be exposed to excessive noise <br />levels. No impact is anticipated. <br />XII. Population and Housing <br />A. Induce substantial population growth in <br />extension of roads or other infrastructure. <br />B. Displace substantial numbers of existing <br />replacement housing elsewhere. <br />C. Displace substantial numbers of people, <br />housing elsewhere? <br />an area, either directly or indirectly through <br />housing, necessitating the construction of <br />necessitating the construction of replacement <br />No Impact <br />The proposed project would allow additional buildings on an existing church campus. Implementation of <br />the proposed project would not increase the population within the project area or displace existing <br />households within the project area, as there are no residential units or residents on the project site. <br />Therefore, no impacts would occur <br />31 A-49 <br />