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Responses to <br />Environmental Checklist <br />For CEQA Compliance <br />that may still remain. As a result, impacts related to this threshold would be less than significant, and no <br />additional mitigation measures other than those already identified are required. <br />B. Does the project have impacts that are individually limited but cumulatively considerable? <br />Less-Than-Significant Impact <br />The proposed project would not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to cumulative impacts. <br />Those threshold areas where the proposed project would have aless-than-significant impact are specific <br />to the specific project site conditions and the type of use proposed; these impacts do not combine with <br />impacts from other projects to cause a cumulative effect. <br />C. Does the project have environmental effects, which will cause substantial adverse effects <br />on human beings either directly or indirectly? <br />Less than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated <br />Construction and operation of the proposed project would not involve any activities that would cause <br />substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. Mitigation measures have been <br />identified to reduce potential impacts to the environment and human beings to a level considered less <br />than significant. No additional mitigation measures beyond those identified are required. <br />XVIII. References <br />City of Santa Ana Updated General Plan Land Use Element February 1998. <br />City of Santa Ana Updated General Plan Land Use Element Environmental Impact, January, 1998, <br />City of Santa Ana Zoning Ordinance, December 1998 <br />City of Santa Ana Urban Design Element, July 6, 1998 <br />City Santa Ana Local Register of Historic Structures <br />Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel No. 0602320144H <br />City of Santa Ana Development Review Committee, September/October 2008 <br />California Environmental Quality Act Statues and Guidelines, January 1999 <br />Site Visit by Vince Fregoso, Principal Planner, February and June 2009 <br />Integrated Waste Management Solid Waste Generation Rate <br />City of Santa Ana 2000 Urban Water Management Plan <br />XX.PREPARERS <br />Vince Fregoso, City of Santa Ana, Planning Planner <br />Shahir Gobran, City of Santa Ana, Senior Transportation Analyst <br />31 A-54 <br />