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Mitigation Monitori <br />W/NTERSBURG PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EXPANSION <br />ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW NO. 2008-180 <br />Compliance <br />MITIGATION MEASURE AGENCY APPROVAL <br />Prior to issuance of Gradin Permit and durin cons truction <br />MM AQ-1 As required by South Coast Air Quality Management District Public Works <br />(SCAQMD) Rule 403-Fugitive Dust, all construction <br />activities that are capable of generating fugitive dust are <br />required to implement dust control measures during each <br />phase of project development to reduce the amount of <br />particulate matter entrained in the ambient air. These <br />measures include the following: <br />Application of soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas <br />Quick replacement of ground cover in disturbed areas <br />Watering of exposed surfaces three times daily <br />Covering all stock piles with tarp <br />Sweep streets adjacent to the project site at the end of the <br />day if visible soil material is carried over to adjacent <br />roads <br />Cover or have water applied to the exposed surface of all <br />trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials <br />prior to leaving the site to prevent dust from impacting <br />the surrounding areas <br />Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit <br />unpaved roads onto paved roads to wash off trucks <br />and any equipment leaving the site each trip. <br />MM AQ-2 All clearing and earthwork activities shall cease during period Public Works <br />of high winds (winds greater than 25 mph averaged over one <br />hour) or during Stage 1 or Stage 2 smog episodes. <br />MM AQ-3 During grading, the construction disturbance area shall be Public Works <br />kept as small as possible. <br />MM AQ-4 Prior to issuance of any grading permit, wind barriers shall be Public Works <br />installed along the perimeter of the site and/or around areas <br />being graded. <br />MM AQ-5 During construction, operators of any gas or diesel fueled Public Works <br />equipment, including vehicles, shall be encouraged to turn off <br />equipment if not in use or left idle for more than five minutes. <br />Equipment engines shall be maintained in good condition and <br />in proper tune according to manufacturer's specifications. <br />MM AQ-6 The applicant shall require by contract specifications that the Planning <br />architectural coating (paint and primer) products used would Division <br />have aloes-VOC rating. Contract specifications shall be <br />included in the proposed project construction documents, <br />which shall be reviewed by the City prior to issuance of a <br />buildin ermit. <br />31 A-55 <br />