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broadleaf weeds at all times. The Contractor shall, along with the monthly <br />Pesticide Use report, submit a written schedule for weed abatement in turf <br />specifying the method, day and location where weed abatement will be <br />performed. The Director's Representative will review and approve written <br />schedule taking into consideration the park's use. <br />(1) Contractor shall apply approved pre - emergent herbicides to all turf areas <br />in order to control the germination of noxious weeds i.e. Dallis Grass, <br />Goose Grass, Crab Grass, Nutsedge, Plantain, Oxalis, etc. <br />(2) Should turf type or broadleaf weeds germinate, the Contractor shall <br />control the weeds immediately upon recognition by way of selective <br />and/or broad- spectrum post emergent herbicides approved by the <br />Director. <br />f) Replanting-all turf <br />(1) Should turf begin to stress for any reason, Contractor shall begin <br />applying supplemental water and shall overseed these turf areas using <br />Stovers Sahara (spring/summer) or Stover Seed Grand Slam perennial <br />rye (fall /winter) seed at the manufacturer's recommended rate and <br />process. <br />(2) The Contractor understands and accepts that at the beginning of the <br />agreement there may be existing turf areas that are thin or bare. The <br />Contractor, by entering into the agreement, shall routinely and at no <br />extra cost to the City, repair thin or bare turf areas by overseeding with <br />approved seed until a thick healthy stand of turf is established. <br />(3) Contractor also understands and accepts that Santa Ana is a very heavily <br />used park system, including increased foot traffic, athletic play, and <br />other uses. <br />g) Aeration <br />The Contractor shall aerate all turf areas, casual and sport/priority turf four (4) <br />times per year in March, June, September, and December. An aerator that will <br />remove soil plugs and deposit the cores on the surface of the turf shall perform <br />aeration. Once per year, the contractor shall use a deep tine aerator and cores <br />shall be pulled to depth of 6 ". Three times per year a drum aerator using 7" <br />shatter knives shall be utilized. <br />h) Sport/Priority Turf Renovation <br />(1) Once (1) per year during the spring/summer or the fall /winter (as <br />determined by the Director) the Contractor shall renovate sport/priority <br />turf using: <br />(a) spring/summer - Stovers Bermuda Dunes seed at six (6) <br />pounds per 1,000 square feet in bare areas and four (4) pounds <br />per 1,000 square feet where turf exists; <br />17 <br />