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irrigating 48 hours prior to the mow procedures to ensure a quality cut of <br />the turf. <br />(3) Under normal conditions the contractor shall not schedule irrigation on <br />Friday and Saturday nights to avoid wet conditions during weekend <br />usage. Prior approval will be required to irrigate during weekends to <br />coordinate with reservations. <br />(4) Turf areas shall be watered as required by weather conditions to provide <br />adequate moisture for optimum growth. At no time shall turf areas show <br />a lack of green color or a loss of resilience due to lack of water. If <br />Contractor estimates additional water above and beyond the monthly <br />Estimated Applied Water (EAW) may be needed, he /she shall request <br />approval from the Park Service's Utility Coordinator prior to exceeding <br />the monthly irrigation budget as detailed in the Monthly Water <br />Conservation Report Estimated Applied Water (EAW) requirements (see <br />Attachment 6). Failure to get approval from the Park Service's Utility <br />Coordinator prior to exceeding the monthly irrigation budget will result <br />in the Contractor to pay for the excess water. <br />(5) When an irrigation system does not adequately provide water to the turf <br />area in which it is installed, due to any reason including but not limited <br />to controller failure, valve failure, broken heads, poor system design, <br />etc., the Contractor shall provide supplemental irrigation at no extra cost <br />to the City. The Contractor may use any reasonable means necessary to <br />uniformly irrigate turf areas. <br />(6) Should the Contractor not respond to signs of turf stress immediately, the <br />Director, in his sole discretion, may dispatch his own staff to remedy the <br />stress and deduct the cost form the monthly invoice submitted by <br />Contractor. <br />(7) Automatic irrigation shall be conducted between the hours of 10:00 p.m. <br />and 4:00 a.m. and shall be programmed not to exceed the EAW. In the <br />event that Contractors water consumption exceeds the EAW City may <br />deduct said overages from the Contractor's monthly invoice. <br />O Contractor shall ensure that all staff working on irrigation possess one of <br />the following certifications: <br />a. California Landscape Contractor's Certified Landscape Technician <br />Program <br />b. Fullerton College Certificate of Proficiency in Landscape Irrigation <br />c. UC Riverside Certificate in Landscape Irrigation <br />e) Weed Control -all turf <br />The Contractor shall keep all turf, casual and sport/priority turf, free of all turf <br />type weeds, especially Dallis Grass, Goose Grass, Poa Annua, Neddle Grass and <br />16 <br />